Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Best Money Tips: Time-Saving Steps in the Kitchen

Today we found some great articles on time-saving steps in the kitchen, how to manage family finances when money gets tight, and how to encourage your spouse to save money.

Best Money Tips: Where to Cash in Your Clutter

Today we found some helpful articles on where to cash in your clutter, things you didn’t know about procrastination and how to cure it, and travel tips for infrequent travelers.

4 Questions to Ask Before Leaving Your House to Your Kids

A home sounds like a wonderful gift for your adult children. But before you hand over the keys, there are a few things to consider.

While Waiting for Rates: I-Bonds

You could reach for yield by taking on more risk, or you could suck it up and wait for rates to go up. If you prefer to wait, consider I-Bonds.

6 Terrible Money Moves to Avoid on the First Date

Make any of these bonehead money moves on a first date and you can bet there won't be a second date.

When Being an Entrepreneur Isn't Sexy

If you're drawn to the siren song of working for yourself, beware: Entrepreneurship isn't always as great as it might seem.

6 Ways to Make Your Tiny Apartment Feel Like a Castle

Just because your place is tiny doesn't mean it has to feel tiny. Try these design tricks to make your small rooms seem grand.

8 Items You Should Never Buy Online

Just because you can buy absolutely anything online doesn't mean you should.

Best Money Tips: Surviving Daylight Savings Time

Today we found some great articles on surviving daylight savings time, negotiating your medical and dental bills, and saving money on groceries.

Best Money Tips: Simple Life Hacks That Can Save You $100

Today we found some great articles on life hacks that save you $100 each, DIY cleaning products that cost only pennies, and fast food deals that can stretch to multiple meals.

How to Find Time for Home-Cooked Meals

Even the busiest people can find time to make healthy and delicious home-cooked meals. Just follow these suggestions.

The 5 Best Electric Can Openers

Do you often find yourself needing to remove difficult can lids? These electric can openers can definitely make the whole process both simpler and safer for you.

5 Types of Overspenders — Which One Are You?

There are different types of chronic overspenders. Which one are you?

Best Money Tips: Ways to Do Less Laundry

Today we found some awesome articles on ways to do less laundry, essential money saving tips, and motivational songs to get you through your taxes.

Best Money Tips: How to Get the Most Out of Your 401(k)

Today we found articles on ways to get the most out of your 401(k), simple hacks that will change how you travel, and summer tax scams to watch out for.

10 Weird and Wonderful Ways to Use Rice

Did you know that there are over 140,000 varieties of cultivated rice? Besides being a delicious and versatile cooking grain, it has some other very unusual uses.

Best Money Tips: How to Drive More Efficiently

Today we found some great articles on ways to drive more efficiently, how to follow up without being pushy, and why positive thinking sucks.

Best Money Tips: How to Fix Common Shopping Mistakes

Today we found articles on how to fix common shopping mistakes, ways to get free or low cost pet care, and how to change habits that age you.

New Legislation Gives Coupons “Equivalent Cash Value”

Got coupons? Get cash! A new law means coupons can now be traded in for their "equivalent cash value."

Another 7 Travel Destinations Not Worth the Money

Travel can be an expensive headache — especially if your itinerary includes any of these seven pricey places.