Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Best Money Tips: Don't Fall for These Weight Loss Gimmicks

Today we found articles on weight loss gimmicks that don’t actually work, ways to recover from holiday personal finance mistakes, and how to hire a financial team.

How To Take Risks Without Losing Your Shirt

There's a difference between taking risks and taking foolish risks. Follow these steps to take more of the first and none of the second.

Best Money Tips: Elope in Style

Today we found some great articles on how to elope in style, saving money at the grocery store, and ways to cut everyday health care costs.

5 Ways to Improve Your Creativity Today

Just like any other skill, creativity and innovation can be taught.

11 Cool Uses for a Tablet Computer

Tablets are a great way to watch videos and check your email on the go — but they're also perfect for these awesome, surprising uses.

The 5 Best Pocket Knives

You never know when you might need a knife handy. These pocket knives are foldable and easy to keep on you at all times.

5 Exceedingly Simple Ways to Get More Traffic to Your Website

In less than a year, one website owner boosted his unique visitors from zero to more than 350,000. Here's how he did it.

Frugal Super Bowl Party Ideas

Think a Big Game party has to leave a big dent in your budget? Use this expert advice to make your dollars stretch all the way to the end zone.

The 5 Best Compression Sacks

Keeping your items dry from the elements isn't easy, but it can be. Use any of these compression sacks and your stuff will always be safe and protected.

Not Just Some Junk in a Box

Ditch the stigma — box wine can be delicious, elegant, AND frugal!

How to Start Fighting Debt — Today

No matter how big it is, you CAN pay down your debt. Start today — right now! — with this simple action plan.

6 Beauty Rules You Should Be Breaking

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder — the most important one being you! Stop getting hung up on these silly beauty rules.

Frugal is more than a way to spend money, Part III

Are you an emotional spender? You aren't alone. It might me time to take a look at what's really going on in your head.

Women's Saving and Investing: Is Your Money "Girl Money?"

Understanding how to save and invest your earnings not only makes financial sense, but helps women (or anyone!) become more independent and confident.

How to Save on National Park Visits in 2018

While there are only four fee-free days in the National Parks this year, there are plenty of other ways to save. It doesn't cost a lot to visit YOUR national treasures!

15 Grilled Veggie Dishes That Hold Their Own With Meat

If you're like most, a backyard grill-out just isn't right unless there's a big slab of meat. These fresh grilled veggies will change your mind.

Why New Purchases On a Balance Transfer Card Can Cost You

Using your balance transfer card for purchases is typically a bad idea, and for more reasons than one.

In Two-Income Households, Can Making More Put Us Further Behind?

Women's move into the workforce was all about choice. So why do so many parents now feel like they don't have the option to stay at home?

SunTrust Secured Credit Card with Cash Rewards Review

A secured card with cash rewards and other benefits? Yes, they do exist!

7 Best Free Treks in the World

Epic hikes don't need to cost an arm and a leg. There are plenty you can do for $0.