Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

What to Do Before Moving in With Someone

Moving in with someone, whether partner or a roommate, can be exciting — and financially rocky. Follow this guide to ensure your finances are protected.

Eliminating Debt, Saving Money, and More with The Money Principle's Maria Nedeva

Check out our interview with The Money Principle's Maria Nedeva for amazing money-saving tips, recommendations on apps to make your life easier, and her favorite ways to use Skype!

The Awesome Art of Getting Great Deals Online

This is a lovely guide to getting the most out of your consumer purchases on the Internet.

Best Money Tips: How to Reduce Your Fixed Expenses

Today we found some awesome articles on reducing your fixed expenses, best Kmart Black Friday deals, and hosting a stress free Thanksgiving.

6 "Tourist Towns" That Are Actually Great to Live In

They may look picture-perfect on a postcard, but these tourist towns are also ideal spots to put down roots.

7 No-Fuss Wine Destinations Anyone Can Visit (and Enjoy!)

A wine tasting weekend doesn't have to be expensive and snooty. These grape growing regions offer great wine country experiences (and wine!), at a fraction of Napa's cost.

10 Ways to Do Less Laundry

Step away from the spin cycle! Here are ways to keep your laundry out of the washing machine for as long as humanly possible.

Best Money Tips: 100 Quick Ways to Make $100

Today we found articles on a hundred ways to make a hundred bucks, pantry items to stock up on this summer, and the ultimate guide to backpacks for college students.

Best Money Tips: How to Make Your Home Look Cleaner Than It Is

Today we found articles on hacks that make your home look cleaner than it actually is, quick ways to save on groceries, and cheap and fun ways to cool off this summer.

How to Get a Price Match Through Your Credit Card

Many of the best credit cards offer price match on your purchases, which can save you big.

39 Tips That'll Save You Hundreds on Your Next Trip

Traveling can get expensive very quickly. Return home with a bank account that isn't completely empty with these money-saving tips.

Flashback Friday: 47 Best Back-to-School Shopping Hacks Ever

Back-to-school shopping doesn't have to cost an arm and a leg. Just use these tips and save Big.

Permanent Home Swap: Solution to a Volatile Real Estate Market

Let’s say the real estate markets are down. You want or need to sell your home, but buyers won’t pay what it is worth (or even enough to leave you with a zero balance). And if you

Walking the Tight Rope of Financial Recovery: The Mental Game

Though some economists are tentative and a few disagree outright, the majority of people in the know believe that the worldwide recession has hit rock bottom and we are now, slowly

Dreaming of a Frugal Christmas: 6 Things You Can Make That People on Your List Will Use and Want

You know sometime in November you'll be rushing around trying to think of cheap Xmas gifts to buy or make. Why the rush? Start now with some simple fun things to make that everyone

Join Our Tweetchat on Thursday 8/25, 12pm Pacific for a Chance to Win Prizes

Topic: Finances and Relationships! Join our conversation for chance to win Amazon gift cards! Use #WBChat to participate!

5 Ways to Totally Change a Room for Under $50

You don't need a lot of dough to re-do a room. Here are five ways to get it done for about the cost of your monthly cable bill.

Being Healthy Can Have Big Cash Rewards

I recently became a member of my wife’s gym. I had always hesitated, being a frugal person I preferred to work out at home with a few weights and some exercise DVDs. But, when I di

Join Our Tweetchat on Thursday 9/29, 12pm Pacific for a Chance to Win Prizes

Topic: How to Save When Renting! Join our conversation for chance to win Amazon gift cards! Use #WBChat to participate!

Best Money Tips: Frugal Habits You Need to Pick Up

Today we found some awesome articles on Depression-era frugal habits you should have, money mistakes to avoid in your 20s, and budget travel tips.