Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

8 Signs an ETF Isn't Right for You

There are thousands of ETFs out there. Before you go buying willy-nilly, you might want to make sure they're right for you.

25 Exciting New Potato Recipes You Must Try

Few foods are as frugal as the potato — and few are as versatile and delicious, either. Try these wonderful ways to prepare the humble spud.

The Cheapest Way to Get Fit and Strong in 30 Days or Less

It's not quite sneaking into the gym — but it's close. With some clever scheduling anybody can get a month or more of free workouts at the gym.

These 5 Money-Saving Hacks Are a Huge Waste of Time

When you want to save a little cash, money hacks can be great. But, beware. Some are really just swapping a few cents for your valuable time.

Can’t Afford Your Car Much Longer? Negotiate to Keep It

If you are worried about paying your auto loan note on time and have been having some financial setbacks, there are options you can consider before defaulting on your loan and r

The 5 Best Emergency Kits

Making sure you're always prepared in an emergency isn't easy, but it can be. Get any of these emergency kits and you can weather any storm.

Book Review: The Twitter Job Search Guide

I’ve been reading, re-reading, and testing out Twitter techniques from The Twitter Job Search Guide. The book is densely packed with strategic and tactical advice t

5 Surprising Ways to Get Deals

Discount codes drying up before your eyes? Try these tactics to discover new deals on everyday items!

The 5 Best Handheld Vacuums

Clean up those little mess in a jiffy with one of these great little sucker-uppers.

Best Money Tips: Save Over $15,000 a Year

Today we found some awesome articles on how to save over $15,000 a year, things to remove from your resume, and avoiding financial scams.

6 Money Lessons From African-American Leaders

From TED talks to the blues, these African American leaders have imparted their financial wisdom on the world.

Beware the Small Print of High Interest Savings Accounts

How many times have you seen ads for savings accounts that have touted superb interest rates? And how many times have you looked into the offer only to discover that it isn’t quit

5 Rules for Planning Your Most Affordable Christmas Ever

Christmas is coming, but don't make it a great December and a horrible January. Follow these Christmas rules to make it affordable.

How to Express Condolences Without Saying Something Stupid

Do you feel awkward when you try to express condolences? Try these techniques to show your sympathy.

7 Ways to Make the Most of a Tiny Kitchen

A tiny kitchen can make cooking seem more unappetizing than two-week-old leftovers. But with some creativity and thought, even the smallest kitchen can be functional and inviting.

The 5 Best Folding Bicycles

Getting around town on a bike isn't easy, but it can be. Use any of these folding bicycles and you can go from bike to train to bus without missing a beat.

Best Money Tips: Top 10 Retirement Planning Mistakes

Today we found some stellar articles on retirement planning mistakes, money rules that nobody will ever teach you, and budgeting on a variable income.

20 Ways to Use Pool Noodles

Floaty, foamy pool noodles have a million and one uses. Here are 20 to get you started.

Meet Kelly Whalen, Our New Community Manager

Come say hi to Kelly as she introduces her family, our new community team, and our simpler design.

The 6 Best Reasons to Quit Your Job

When's the right time to quit a job? When it's doing you more harm than good.