Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Ask the Readers: What is Your Favorite Thing About Fall?

Tell us what your favorite thing about fall is and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

The Federal Minimum Wage Increases This Week - Are You Getting a Pay Raise?

On July 24th, 2008, the Federal minimum wage in The United States will increase from $5.85 per hour to $6.55 per hour in accordance to the 2007 amendment to the Fair Labor Standar

3 Ways to Stay Calm When the Stock Market Gets Volatile

Investing under the influence of fear never works out well. Here are three great ways to deal with a market downturn.

6 Little-Known Ways to Save When Booking Spring Travel

Pack your sunscreen! These easy hotel and airfare hacks make spring and summer vacation an affordable breeze.

Ask the Readers: What's Your Favorite Grocery Shopping Tip?

Tell us about your favorite grocery shopping tip and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

Seven Tips for the Newly Unemployed

The unemployment rate in California surged to 6.9%, and that is equivalent to the rate in early 2003. Most news reports say that unemployment will probably go up a bit more in the

Everything You Need to Know About Frequent Flyer Miles

If you're lost in the confusing world of frequent flyer programs, Find your way with this simple guide to accumulation, management, and redemption.

Don't Let These 6 Home Décor Flaws Ruin Your House Hunt

Kitschy cabinets, disco fever carpeting...never fear! These house-hunting turn-offs are actually easy fixes.

Ask the Readers: How Do You Keep It Frugal on Mother's Day?

Tell us how you keep it frugal on Mother's Day and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

How much money should a CEO make?

According to the Institute for Policy Studies, in 1980, American CEOs earned over 40 times more per year than the average American worker. Today, the average American CEO from a

10 Investing Concepts to Ignore and 10 to Follow

New investors have a lot of advice to sift through — and it's not all good. Learn what to ignore and what to pay attention to.

6 Smart Ways to Make It Rain Today

If your emergency fund has seen better days, get creative about bringing it back to health. You can do this!

Ask the Readers: What Is Your Favorite Hobby?

Tell us about your favorite hobby and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

When MySpace Meets your Local Producer: Fresh Food Makes a Tech Leap

MySpace, Facebook, and LinkedIn are familiar (and often tired) ways to reach out to others with similar interests and goals. So why am I not surprised to see Social Networking hit

Best Money Tips: Tech Tips for Job Hunting

Today we found some fantastic articles on tech tips for job hunting, how to find the right roommate, and lowering your cooling costs.

8 Morning Mantras That’ll Help Keep Your Finances on Track

Keeping your finances on track takes work, and surprisingly, a little bit of Zen. These daily reminders can help you reach your money goals.

Ask the Readers: What Are Your Goals for 2017?

Tell us about your goals for 2017 and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

Hunting for Treasure - Frugal Fun, Rich Rewards

Letterboxing, geocaching and orienteering... Looking to try a new sport? One that doesn't require a gym membership, new clothes, or expensive equipment? One as much mental as ph

Best Money Tips: Save Money as a Wedding Guest

Today we found some great articles on saving money as a wedding guest, getting your family on board to save dough, and spotting a horrible roommate before moving in.

10 Allergy-Free Snacks That Are Safe for Almost Everybody

Schools are wisening up to common food allergens, but these safe snacks are easy to share with kids and adults alike.