Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Best Deals for Friday 09/27

Today's great deals include 40% off Fisher-Price toy favorites, 52% off Kids & Family Movies on Blu-ray and DVD, 50% off Toshiba Canvio Portable Hard Drives, and more!

What's the Difference Between MasterCard and Visa Credit Cards?

Is there really a difference between Visa and MasterCard credit cards?

Become a Star Employee by Thinking Like an Entrepreneur

You might have control over the decisions your company makes, but you are in control of how you do your job. As an employee, you can benefit by bringing entrepreneurial thinking

Are Coupons For Everyone? A Review of the Couponizer (and a Giveaway)

I love the idea of coupons. Saving money? I'm so for the idea. Cutting, sorting, and saving little scraps of paper that will probably end up getting eaten by the baby or in the

Make Your To-Do Lists More Effective With These 5 Simple Hacks

If your to-do list is long on tasks and short on check-marks, up the power of everybody's favorite productivity tool with a few simple tweaks.

How to Say "No" at Work and Still Get Ahead

Some bosses keep piling on the work, especially on the desks of their star players. Learn to say "no," manage your boss's expectations, and help advance your career.

The 5 Best Glass Water Bottles

Staying hydrated on the go without creating environmental waste isn't easy, but it can be. Just use any of these five glass water bottles and the Earth will love you for it.

Needs, wants, and not even wants

Hang around with frugality and simplicity types for any length of time and you'll hear a lot about distinguishing between needs and wants. It's come to me, though, that this issue

Best Money Tips: Best (and Worst) Things to Buy in October

Today we found some awesome articles on the best and worst things to buy in October, productivity tips from a star-up founder, and negotiating on vacation.

How Much Would It Cost to Actually Live Like a Queen for a Day?

You'd need awfully deep pockets to lead a lifestyle fit for a queen.

Low Cost Ways to Dress Your House for a Quick Sale

If you want your house to sell quickly, you need to make sure that it shows well. A few simple, often cosmetic, changes will make a world of difference.

4 “Secret” Ingredients for More Delicious Dishes

Check out these four uniquely affordable ingredients that can covertly jazz up your dishes for mere pennies!

Join Our Tweetchat on Thu 10/17, 12pm Pacific for a Chance to Win Prizes

Topic: Saving on Halloween! Join our conversation for chance to win Amazon gift certificates! Use #WBChat to participate!

Best Money Tips: How to Look Amazing in Photos

Today we found articles on easy ways to look amazing in photos, how to survive on minimum wage, and time-saving laundry tips.

Bank-Based Small-Dollar Loans: An Alternative to Payday Loans

A recent pilot program conducted by the FDIC featured loans with terms designed to beat those offered by payday sharks. Hopefully we'll see these loans replicated.

The Gettin'-Baptized-in-the-Watah Epiphany

In an average week, an average chunky-blooded professional American could easily spend up to $140 on a combination of drinks that come with meals such as morning coffee, herbal tea

Success Secrets You Should Have Learned in High School — But Didn't

Most of the people who give us advice mean well, but that doesn't mean their advice is helpful. Here's the advice that you should have been given.

How to Save Money on Kids' Activities

Balancing all of your kids' activities can be stressful — and expensive. Start getting creative about saving while your kids get creative about fun!

6 Pre-Workout Snacks to Keep You Moving

Eating one of these healthy, tasty snacks before a workout can give you just what you need to make the most of every rep.

Where Did Your iPod Come From? The Story of Stuff

Do you know the difference between planned and perceived obsolescence? Do you know why high heels are fashionable with chunky heels one year, and thin heels the next year? Why is