Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

7 Apps That Actually Pay You to Shop

Need an easy way to get cash back for your shopping habit? Yep, there's an app for that.

What Can Retailers Do With Their Unwanted Merchandise?

A recent New York Times article reported that retailers including H&M and Walmart have been destroying perfectly good clothes that were not sold and throwing them in the trash. Th

5 Money Strategies for the Sandwich Generation

Your kids depend on you. Your aging parents depend on you. For the sandwich generation, smart money management is a must.

51 Uses for Coca-Cola – the Ultimate List

I was trawling the Internet recently searching for a way to remove a grease spot from a favorite shirt of mine. How it got there, well, I blame a faulty fork and not my clumsy mout

12 Ways to Stop Skipping Your Workouts

You really meant to do your workout today, but… Replace those I-meant-tos with actual workouts with some simple, effective motivators.

10 Really Easy Ways to Unclog Drains

When you're faced with a clogged drain and the plunger won't work, these 10 techniques could save you the cost of a plumber.

7 Easy Ways to Build an Emergency Fund From $0

When your latest financial emergency is that you can't afford an emergency, it's time to start building that safety net — quickly!

The Simple Way to Decide How Much Rent You Can Really Afford

Before you set out to find your next great rental apartment or home, take a good look at your income. What can you afford?

14 Best Side Jobs For Fast Cash

You need cash, and you need it fast. Stop hitting up your friends for spare change, and start one of these lucrative side gigs!

Here's How Much to Spend on Life's 3 Biggest Milestones

Life's milestone purchases shouldn't leave you flat broke. How much can you afford on a new car, home, or engagement ring?

How to Get Your Kid Started With Investing

You don't have to wait until your kid grows up to show them how to invest. The earlier they start, the more they'll have later on!

HP Giving Away $500 to a Lucky Wise Bread Reader

To enter tell us your smartest investment. It can be anything! A degree, cooking lessons, hot stock, or a great pair of shoes.

11 Freelance Jobs That Pay Surprisingly Well

Freelancers don't always have to struggle to pull in a decent income. Some side gigs actually pay well.

5 Ways to Automate Your Finances

Let robots manage your money for you and you'll never pay a late fee or go over budget again.

Frugal Gluten-Free Living: Delicious Homemade Gluten-Free Bread

Here is an easy to make Gluten-Free Bread recipe that is extremely affordable and much better tasting than store brands. Celebrate and have toast again!

9 Simple Acts of Self-Care for the Sandwich Generation

When caring for your parents and your children at the same time, stress is bound to find you. Remember to take care of yourself, too.

How to Answer 23 of the Most Common Interview Questions

Here I present 23 interview questions you're likely to be asked, and how I have learned to answer them.

8 Supposedly Unhealthy Foods That Are Actually Good for You

Oh go ahead, have another cup of coffee — it's good for you! Find out what other foods you can go ahead and stop avoiding now, too.

13 Ways to Make Money From Valentine's Day

Instead of spending your precious dollars on a Valentine's Day gift, why not earn some by offering something precious to the lovestruck?

Save Enough on Meat to Buy a Chest Freezer

I ended my worries over where our beef comes from by investing in a quarter cow and a chest freezer. I considered the cost of the freezer as the cost of having the hormone-free, no