Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

How to Remove Yourself from Mailing Lists and Eliminate Junk Mail

My blood boils when I have a full mailbox, but not one item is personal in nature. Here is how to remove yourself from most mailing lists, eliminating unnecessary junk mail.

31 Great Gifts That Keep on Giving

Don't give something that'll end up in the junk drawer. Instead, try one of these creative gifts that will be appreciated for months (or even years!) to come.

ZipList Giving Away $600 to Lucky Wise Bread Readers!

To enter simply leave a comment telling us your favorite Thanksgiving budget dish or comfort food!

How You Can Earn $18 to $25 an Hour With Amazon Flex

If you're looking for a profitable side gig you can fit into your own schedule, check out delivering packages with Amazon Flex.

Where to Find Emergency Funds When You Don't Have an Emergency Fund

A costly emergency has sprung up. The only problem? You have a second emergency — no money to cover it. Here's where to find funds fast.

How to Take the World's Most Efficient Shower

When your hot water's lacking but your body odor isn't, clean off fast with this quick, water saving shower technique.

5 Ways Millennials Can Become Bosses Sooner

Millennials don't shy from a challenge — climbing the corporate ladder, included. Are you ready for the top rung?

10 of the World's Most Expensive Restaurants

These 10 restaurants have it all — great food, scenic locations, and one shockingly large bill at the end.

“Shop in stores with concrete floors.”

Enter the mystical realm of warehouse stores, where bulk-buying can save you big money in the long run.

The 8 Best Books for Entrepreneurs

Curl up with a good book — you might get rich. These eight business tomes come with a wealth of entrepreneurial inspiration.

5 Ways to Invest Like a Pro — No Financial Adviser Required

You don't need to hire a financial pro to invest like one. Try these DIY tips, and watch the confidence roll in.

Original Ways to Use Original Dawn

I love to use household products in various unique ways, so I was thrilled to learn about some new-to-me hacks for the

6 Money Misconceptions About Millennials

Despite coming of age in an age of burgeoning student loan debt, weak economies, stagnant wages, the kids these days are pretty savvy about money.

10 Things You Should Do Immediately After Losing Your Wallet

Losing your wallet can be frustrating and scary — identity theft, anyone? Take these steps to ensure your finances stay safe when your wallet isn't.

Here's What You Can (And Can't) Buy With SNAP

There's a lot of confusion about what government food assistance can — and cannot — buy. Here's a rundown.

The 5 Best Pieces of Financial Wisdom From Warren Buffett

If you're looking for timeless financial wisdom, then turn to the Oracle of Omaha himself. Start with these personal finance fundamentals.

6 Surprising Ways a Houseplant Can Save You Money

A little greenery can go a long way! Add a houseplant or two, and you might be surprised at the savings.

5 Steps to Take If You're House Poor

The housing crash and recession have left many of us feeling house poor. The first step in getting out is understanding how deep we're in.

5-Minute Finance: Checking Your Credit Score

Do you know your credit score? You should — and it only takes five minutes to find out.

50 Great Things to Do With $50

One dollar may not buy you much anymore, but a crisp $50 bill still has value. From splurges to saving, try these savvy ideas for your half-hundred.