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9 Make-Ahead, Freezable Hot Breakfast Recipes

You can enjoy a hot breakfast without laboring in the kitchen before work — just whip up one of these make-and-freeze breakfasts over the weekend.

Grocery Shopping for the Cheap and Lazy

You can be incredibly lazy and still eat well for very little (while avoiding Top Ramen). Dine at home and save a bunch on food without ever making a shopping list.

6 Ways to Avoid Sneaky Online Price Changes

Don't let "dynamic pricing" steal your deal. Keep an eye out for sneaky ways online retailers (legally!) overcharge their customers.

Maintaining Memories: How to Save Old Photographs

Don't let your old photographs fade and crumble in some attic box! Instead, follow these steps to share them and keep them safe.

10 Depressing Jobs That Aren't Worth the Money

There are a lot of ways to earn your keep, but not all of them are good for mind, body, and soul. Do you work one of these depressing gigs?

The 6 Best Ways to Sell Your Car

Selling your car — even if it no longer runs! — has never been easier. Try these tips to make the process pleasantly painless.

50 Ways to Update Your Wardrobe for Cheap

If you get creative with shopping strategies and fashion choices, it's easy to control your wardrobe spending. Follow these tips to start dressing for less!

How to Get Free Accommodations (and Paid Jobs) on Boats

Want to travel with free accommodations, enjoy gorgeous ocean waters, and even get paid for it? You can — just work on a boat.

10 Ways to Save on a Long-Distance Move

When you're moving a long distance, you can't just buy a pizza and a 12-pack and ask your friends to pitch in. Here's how to save on a cross-country move.

18 Cool Jobs for Fashion Lovers

Put your killer fashion sense to work and get a gig in the fashion world.

$9 Fares at Spirit Airlines – But is it a Bargain?

Airfare for less than $50 makes me a little giddy, even though I haven’t left the state in over 2 years. So I had to do a double-take on the Red L

Turn Off Your Air Conditioning

Most people lack the skills for getting by without air conditioning. Here's a quick primer.

15 Ways to Make Money Outside Your Day Job

You've only got so many hours in the day to sell to the Man. But if you're creative with what you've got, you can still give your finances a boost.

25 Ways to Be a Better Person Today

Discover how you can become a better person today (and reap additional benefits like happiness, saving money, and helping the environment).

The Simplest Way to Live Simply — And Cheaply

Simple living starts from a single action — prioritize what matters. Learn how to take that basic step and the ones that follow come easy.

Really Great Uses for Kitty Litter

Just because you don't own a feline friend doesn't mean you should take kitty litter off your shopping list.

10 Gifts for Your Boss

You don't have to be a suckup to give your boss a nice gift. Follow a few simple rules, then choose one of these 10 great gift ideas.

The Case for Expensive Shoes

Many cost-conscious consumers cling to a short list of must-haves that are worth purchasing no matter the price. High-quality shoes should make the cut every recession.

The Produce Worker's Guide to Choosing Fruits and Vegetables

Getting the most out of your fruits and vegetables starts at the store. Learn how to pick the freshest produce from someone who knows the tricks of the trade.