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Walt Disney Offers Refunds for Baby Einstein DVDs

A group of lawyers threatened a class action lawsuit last year against Disney for deceptive practices since their Baby Einstein videos are heavily marketed as educational but resea

How to Eat Street Food Safely While Traveling

It looks and smells delicious — but how safe is it? Learn how to enjoy food on the road without taking big risks with your digestive track.

403B vs. 401K: How Are They Different?

Sure, you know what a 401K is, but what the heck is a 403B? Here's how they differ.

Creating a Memorable Christmas

Money isn't what makes a memorable Christmas. Follow these suggestions to help enjoy the holiday, not the stuff associated with it.

13 alternatives to paying for homework help

Being overwhelmed with homework seems to be a badge of parental honor. If homework is heaping, you may look to costly resources for help. In "How Homework Is Hurting Our Fa

Top 7 Mortgage Myths Debunked

Don't let these common misconceptions stop you from buying your dream home.

Best Money Tips: Surprising Things That Are Stressing You Out

Today we found some great articles on surprising things that are stressing you out, handy spring cleaning tips, and frugal ways to celebrate Mother’s Day.

Reject Variable Terms and Conditions

Ordinary business transactions used to be governed by long-standing laws and customs that had been developed to make them fair to both sides. Over the last fifty years or so--basic

Giving is Better Than Blogging... or IS it?

Giving is better than receiving. I do sincerely believe this, as much as I like receiving. And I do like getting stuff. You know that old saying about giving a man a fish, and he'll eat for a day... [more]

5 Times Buying the Extended Warranty Makes Sense

We usually advise readers to skip the extended warranty. But not always.

How to Retire Rich

You don't want to be just comfortable in retirement. Here's how to retire like a one percenter.

How To Protect Yourself From Gasoline Thieves

Gasoline thieves are branching out from gas stations and targeting everyday consumers. Here are a few things to keep in mind to protect yourself.

How Are People Retiring in Their 30s?!

What if you could retire and travel the world by your 30s? It's not just fantasy — these bloggers have done it!

The Law (of) Suits: Insurance for Men

If you are of working age and not independently wealthy through some sort of athletic ability, pop song, technological innovation or government bailout or defense contract, you nee

The 5 Best Rain Jackets for Men

With the right outerwear, you can weather any storm. Put on any of these rain jackets for men and you can maintain your busy day without the rain getting in your way.

4 Ways Couples Can Tackle Money Goals Together

If you really want to win at marriage, you need to make "money goals" your new "relationship goals."

10 Companies With the Highest Paid Interns

Not all internships are created equal. While most interns are lucky to get minimum wage, there are some positions that pay the equivalent of a six-figure salary.

Didn't Get the Raise? Ask for This, Instead

When you get turned down for a raise, hope is not lost. There are other things your employer may be willing to give up, instead.

Ask the Readers: What Financial Mistake Still Haunts You Today?

Tell us about a financial mistake that still haunts you and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

What clearance price is your Achilles Heel?

Some people are suckers for bargains of any kind. Others, well, even a genuine FREE offer is difficult for them to take up. But most of us, myself included, have a magic number. It