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Extend Your Vacation for Free With Open Jaws and Stopovers

Savvy travelers know how to take advantage of open jaw tickets and stopovers to get free flights. Find out what they are and how you can benefit.

Need Business Credit? Build Your Personal Credit First

It's not easy for entrepreneurs to borrow without giving a personal guarantee.

Autumn Shopping: 5 Things to Buy in Fall

Autumn isn't just for pumpkin-carving. For these five kinds of items, it can be a great time to "rake" in some savings.

My Experience with Discover Home Loans: Great Service and Rewards Programs

How a mortgage lender helped me get the home of my dreams.

Best Money Tips: Avoid These Foolish Financial Moves

Today we found some great articles on foolish financial moves to avoid, healthy alternatives to unhealthy foods, and meditation techniques to end stress.

5 Ways Job Hunting Has Gotten Better for New Grads

If you're graduating from college soon, take heart; job hunting has gotten a lot easier.

Best Money Tips: Have Fun and Save Money on Valentine's Day

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Ask the Readers: What Is Your Morning Routine?

Tell us about your morning routine and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

Who Should Face the Music When the Banks Fail?

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3 Ways to Stay Calm When the Stock Market Gets Volatile

Investing under the influence of fear never works out well. Here are three great ways to deal with a market downturn.

Psychology and Loans: The Strange Reasons Why You Make Bad Decisions

You might think that when it comes to big financial decisions, you only make logical, rational decisions. But research suggests that you don't.

How to Do What You Enjoy

It is amazing how many people spend their time doing things that they don't like doing. Here are some tips that have helped me to do more of what I enjoy in life.

Ask the Readers: Do You Use Rideshare Apps?

Tell us whether you use rideshare apps and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

How to Shop With Purpose — And Save More Money

Science proves it; retail therapy is real. Harness the power of those buy now vibes to become a real money saver.

5 Ways to Keep Your Credit Cards Safe During the Holidays

Target, Home Depot and JC Penney are just a few of the stores that lost your credit card info. Learn how to protect yourself from future breaches today.

Best Money TIps: How You Can Help the Unemployed Today

Welcome to Wise Bread's Best Money Tips roundup. This week, we're offering encouragement for those around you with no job, a better way to buy used online, and 10 ways you can a

Flashback Friday: 34 Smart Ways to Improve Your Social Media Presence

Want to make a good impression on the internet? Start by improving your presence on social media.

The 8 Best Ways to Save on Back-to-School Supplies Right NOW

Is it already time to start thinking about back to school? It is if you want to save money!

The One Personal Finance Skill You Must Master Before All the Others

Being a master of personal finance requires a few key skills, but none are as important as this one.