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Best Money Tips: 9 Ways to Manage People Who Bother You

Welcome to Wise Bread's Best Money Tips roundup. Today, we share tips for dealing with those you bug you, some of the best free birthday treats, and the official guide to cleani

Bear Markets Explained

When the market becomes a lumbering, angry grizzly, we're all at risk of getting attacked. Learn all about bear markets and how they can affect you.

15 Things to Get Done Before Year-End

Start 2014 healthy, wealthy, and oh-so wise by doing these 15 things before the end of 2013.

Will Your Brand Boycott Actually Make a Difference?

A boycott may make you feel like you're fighting the good fight. Just don't expect to win.

Best Money Tips: Ways to Earn Money Quickly

Today we found some great articles on ways to earn money quickly, websites where you can swap and save, and tips to find cheap hotel rooms.

8 Simple Auto Repairs That Save Big Bucks in the Long Haul

Here are 8 minor repairs to do now before the damage costs you big bucks down the road.

Credit Cards That Make Scoring Free Airfare Easy

Tired of jumping through hoops to use your airline miles? Check out this list of travel rewards credit cards that make flying free easy.

When it Pays to Call in the Experts

I'm pretty good around the house. I can make most small, household repairs, and have even been known to take on a larger DIY project or two to save a buck. However, I know my lim

How to Build a Back-to-School Capsule Wardrobe That's Trendy and Affordable

Build a back-to-school capsule wardrobe that mixes reliable clothing options plus a few trendy pieces — and save money, too.

6 Easy Ways to Use Technology to Save on Christmas Shopping

Put some of the whiz-bang gadget gifts you received last year to work. That tech can save you big on this year's holiday shopping.

The Easy Way to Sublet Your Apartment

You need to break a lease, but you don't want to pay for it. Why not try subletting your pad?

5 Money Problems You Can Solve With a Good Attitude

Money cannot buy happiness; but can happiness create wealth? Well, with a good attitude, you really can solve many of life's financial problems.

You're Wasting Up to $42,532 by Not Investing Your Gasoline Savings

Use the dollars you're saving at the pump these days to drive your investments rather than your car. It really adds up!

Best Money Tips: A Better You

This week, Wise Bread's Best Money Tips roundup gives a shout out to fellow bloggers who have dedicated their blog posts to increased productivity, time management, life improve

How Much Money Will You Have in 30 Years?

A key part of financial planning is goal setting. With the help of a conservative economic forecast and a common financial equation, you can plan how to reach it.

How to Save Big on Big Family Vacations

Here are just a few of our top tips from my recent Life Scoop article on big family travel savings.

How to Beat Grocery Price Increases

Facing grocery price increases caused by food shortages can be daunting — but with these frugal techniques, you can drastically cut your bill.

Best Money Tips: Resume Buzzwords to Avoid

Today, we share the too-common terms to avoid on your job search, sincere ways to apologize, yummy stand-ins for dairy or mean, and more!

Best Money Tips: The Debt Edition

Today we are featuring some of the best articles from around the web on debt!

7 Ways to Ace Your Next Performance Review

Turn your next one-on-one with your boss into a promotion or raise with some common-sense preparation and a willingness to shine.