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Saving for College: Highlights from Our Chat With Dr. Barbara O'Neill from Rutgers

Don't miss the highlights from our chat with Dr. Barbara O'Neill from Rutgers Cooperative Extension on saving for college!

WATCH: The 10 Craziest Annual 4th of July Fireworks Displays

The 4th of July means Main Street parades, backyard barbecues, and fantastic fireworks. Here's where to find the best shows, from coast to coast.

When Avoiding Debt Is the Losing Strategy

It's almost always a good idea to stay out of debt. But sometimes, refusing to take on debt could hurt you in the long run.

8 Reasons to Skip the Big Holiday Dinner This Year

Here's why big holiday meals are such a drag — along with some pointers about where to learn more about overcoming it all.

12 Smart Post-Holiday Moves

Holiday spending may have turned your finances into a mess. Get back on track and make the new year all about the new financial you.

Best Money Tips: 10 Best No-Alcohol Drinks

Welcome to Wise Bread's Best Money Tips roundup. Today, we share some fun drink recipes even the kids can enjoy, how to keep your SSN safe, and why you should b

Best Money Tips: 10 Things You Pay Too Much For

Today we found some great articles on things you probably pay too much for, ways to reuse plastic bottles, and easy tips for cutting down on daily expenses.

Ask the Readers: What Was Your Best Customer Service Experience?

Tell us about your best customer service experience and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

Best Money Tips: Ways to Save Money for a House

Today we found some fantastic articles on ways to save money for a house, steps to take before a job interview, and how to protect your stuff.

Best Money Tips: Frugal Back-to-School Shopping

Today we found some great articles on frugal back-to-school shopping, how to complain about your credit card, and frugal living tips for college students.

15 Great Things You Could Do If You Just Got Rid of Your Debt

Everybody knows debt is terri-bad for finances and futures. But do you realize exactly how many wonderful things you could do if you were debt-free?

The State Sales Tax Holiday is coming...

...if you're lucky enough to live in Tennessee. [more]

Why Playing It Safe With Your Money Is Actually Risky

When it comes to your money, fear of risk may be your biggest enemy.

The Parable of The Flat-Screen TV

A carefully considered purchase is a wise purchase. On the other end of the spectrum? Meet Dan and his not-so-new flat-screen TV.

Best Money Tips: The Retirement Edition

Today, we found many great articles relating to retirement!

The 5 Best Back-to-School Laptops

When it comes to laptops for teens and college students, the options can feel overwhelming. We've narrowed it down with five great picks.

The 5 Best Bidet Seats

Think bidets are just a European way to use the bathroom? Think again. Use any of these bidet seats and you'll see why they're so popular.

Best Money Tips: Ways to Make Extra Money

Today we found some awesome articles on ways to make extra money, things you don't need to spend money on, and using social media to advance your career.

How a Single Mother In Debt Over $200K Is Fixing Her Finances

We're helping a reader get control of her debt and the rest of her finances. Read her story and find out how far she's come already!

14 Great Dishes You Can Make in the Microwave

Your microwave really can do more than pop popcorn and nuke leftovers. Challenge your appliance with these delicious, easy, and (of course) quick recipes.