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Cross your fingers and hope you’re not caught by Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT) this year.

If you don’t know what the AMT is, you may well be in for a shock this year. And if your household income is around $75,000 or more, gross, then AMT could very well take a big bite

8 Money Lessons I Learned Selling Office Supplies

Working at an office supply superstore teaches more than just the price of pens. Find out what one Wise Bread writer learned during a first summer job.

Best Money Tips: Low-Cost Business Ideas for Teens and Kids

Today we found articles on low-cost business ideas for teens and kids, how to get the best Black Friday deals online, and tips for homeowners who want to rent out a room.

Best Money Tips: Define Your Fashion Style Without Breaking the Bank

Today we found some stellar articles on defining your fashion style and saving money, tips for effectively using layaway, and cutting winter costs and saving for the holidays!

Best Money Tips: How Much Does Your Makeup Cost per Use?

Welcome to Wise Bread's Best Money Tips roundup. Today, we tell you how much that CoverGirl mascara will cost you per use, what to do when the engine light goes on in your car,

Best Money Tips: Ways to Use Leftover Halloween Candy

Today we found some fantastic articles on ways to use leftover Halloween candy, safeguarding your career switch, and saving money on holiday shopping.

10 Delicious Ways to Save Stale Bread

Stale bread might seem like it's destined for the trash, but here's how to turn it into delicious treasure instead.

Best Money Tips: Plan a Cheap Summer Birthday Party

Today we found some awesome articles on how to plan a cheap summer birthday party, how to break your bad financial habits, and things to consider before quitting your day job.

8 New Year's Goals Every Freelancer Should Make

This New Year, reflect on everything that makes your small business awesome — and form a plan to make it even more so.

8 Brands That Came Back From the Dead

Just because a brand dies doesn't mean it's gone for good. These zombie brands are proof that everyone loves a comeback.

Don't Waste Your Money on These 6 Workout Snacks

Skip the pricey protein powder and coconut water as your pre-workout fuel, and you can save big, even while you shred.

The 5 Best Camping Stoves

Cooking meals in the great outdoors isn't easy, but it can be. Just use any of these camping stoves and you can have a delicious dinner in the middle of the woods.

Best Money Tips: Little Known Uses for Fruit Peels, Shells, and Seeds

Welcome to Wise Bread's Best Money Tips roundup. Today, we give you some useful tips for repurposing fruit sk

Recession Survivor: Would You Eat Bugs and Roadkill to Cut the Grocery Bill?

It's not a reality show gimmick. Two dudes are in the news for money-saving menus that include badgers found along the side of the highway and grasshopper patties.

Best Money Tips: Ways Families Can Save Money

Today we found some awesome articles on ways families can save money, holiday shopping mistakes, and tips to save like a pro at the grocery store.

9 Ways to Save Money on Laundry

You have to do laundry, but that doesn't mean you have to spend a lot on it. Learn how to clean clothes at a fraction of your current cost.

10 Stocks and Bonds That Will Profit From the Fed Rate Hike

The Fed raised interest rates for the first time in a decade. How will the market — and your portfolio — respond?

Introducing an Amazing Suite of Web Tools for Creative People

Are you an artist at heart and love to dabble with photography and videos? Do you find that Photoshop and video editing tools are too expensive and cumbersome to use? Well, now t

Unsolicited Phone Calls: How You Could Unwittingly Change the World

Amidst a crying baby, a noisy dryer, and the steam from my tea kettle, I barely made out the sound of my ringing cordless phone. The caller ID flashed “unknown caller – unknown nu

5 Steps to Picking the Best Airline Credit Card for the Most Rewards Value

An airline credit card will help you rack up those travel rewards. Make sure you pick the best one!