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5 Ways the Canadian Dollar Decline Will Impact Your Wallet

The loonie is at its lowest value relative to the dollar in 13 years. How will our northern neighbor’s economy affect our own wallets?

Best Money Tips: Cheap Alternatives to Cable

Today we found some great articles on cheap alternatives to cable, tips to save money in the new year, and savings ideas for online shopping.

Ask the Readers: What Advice Would You Give a New Grad?

Tell us what advice you would give a new grad and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

Here's How Billionaires Are Preparing for the End of the World

If you're rich enough, you can live out the end of the world in true luxury.

CSS Is One Source of College Financial Aid You Can't Afford to Overlook

You've probably heard of FAFSA, but how about CSS PROFILE? It can help you afford the top schools in America.

The Stock Market Has Been Really Tough on These 10 Industries

Let's face it — this past August was a terrible month for stocks. Here's a look at the industries that performed the worst.

Don't Carry a Balance? Here's Why You Still Need a Credit Card

You never carry a balance on your credit card, so why do you need one at all? Well, there are a few good reasons.

You're Probably Owed Almost $200: Here's Where to Claim It

State governments are holding billions of dollars in unclaimed settlements, refunds, wages, and more. Here's where to find yours.

Follow Your Frugal Bliss

Sometimes reading about frugal phenoms can be discouraging instead of inspiring. The lady who raises her own laying hens on her balcony, the family that gets hundreds of dollars in

Here's What It Means to Be Vested in Your 401(k)

The money you put in a 401(k) is always yours. You may have to wait a little longer, however, before you pocket your employer's contributions.

Everything You Need to Know About Unemployment Insurance

Unemployment remains high, even years after the Great Recession. If the worst happens with your job, here's how to get help.

Free Ways to Keep Big Brother Out of Your Bidness

Cell Phone Madness I just love finding out that the government can find new and unique ways to listen in on our lives. [more]

How to Make the Most Out of These 6 Kitchen Gadgets

Surprise! Those single-task gadgets around your kitchen can actually do a lot more.

Don't Miss Out on This Easy Way to Pay for Child Care

Child care is expensive. Ease the burden by making use of one of your employer's tax-advantaged perks.

15 Tips for a Better Work-Life Balance

Want to be happier at work AND at home? Follow these suggestions to keep yourself balanced, healthy, and joyful.

Does Your Net Worth Even Matter?

You may not be raking it in like Warren Buffett, but yes, your net worth still matters.

Best Money Tips: Frugal Hacks for Your Home

Today we found some stellar articles on frugal hacks for your home, fairly splitting bills, and money questions to ask before getting married.

Actually, the Rich Don’t Create Jobs. Demand Does

There's been a lot of talk in the last few months about taxes on the rich. But do the rich really create jobs, or is it a smoke screen?

How Your Bad Credit Can Impact Your Kids

Worried about the effect your bad credit may have on you? You also need to consider how it can affect your kids.

Best Money Tips: Save Money Around the House

Today we found some awesome articles on ways to save money around the house, dining out on a budget, and secrets of cell phone carriers.