Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

College Move-Out Days: The Best Time to Dumpster Dive?

Every year, thousands of college students throw out everything from working TVs to unopened cans of food. Find out how to make their trash your treasure.

5 Unexpected Side Benefits of Your Side Hustle

Making extra money on the side isn't only about the extra money — find out about the other perks that come with a side job.

Horizon Organic Milk: Is it All Just Lies?

There are some misleading and downright deceptive statements on Horizon Organic's packaging. Let's deal with them one at a time.

Join Our Tweetchat on Thursday 8/21, 12pm PST for a Chance to Win $300 in Prizes!

Don't miss our #ToothFairyCalculator #WBChat with Visa's Practical Money Skills for Life on 8/21 at 12pm PST! We will be giving away $300 in prizes!

10 Smart Things to Do With $25

They say $25 can't buy you a lot these days. Well, "they" are not always correct. Check out this list for 10 great, useful ways to spend that cash.

8 Job Offers That Are Too Good to Be True

Anyone who's been in the job market knows the relief a good offer brings, but is there more to the job than meets the eye? Beware of these bad jobs.

AD&D Insurance: No Good, No Bad, Just Ugly

Accidental Death And Dismemberment insurance. Wow – doesn’t that sound just lovely? I mean, at least Life insurance has a euphemistic name (they call it “Li

4 Ways to Get Cheaper Health Insurance

Obamacare made health care mandatory for most — and the healthcare market tricky for all. Learn to navigate the system and pay less for insurance.

Save More and Spend Less by Increasing Your "Mental Transaction Costs"

"Cost" is more than dollars and cents. Use these mental money blocks to take charge of your money and live a more rewarding frugal lifestyle.

7 Retailers With the Absolute Best Customer Service

These retailers may have higher prices, but their above-and-beyond customer service just might make paying the premium worth it.

What Kind of Auto Insurance Do Uber Drivers Need?

Driving for Uber and not entirely sure you're covered? This guide will help.

10 Old-School Things That Make Summer SUMMER!

Remember the good ol' days of summer, when frolicking trumped responsibility? Do these 10 frugal, fun things, and you'll feel like a kid again.

14 Ways to Make Your Yard Look Awesome for Under $100

Yardwork is a pain, and can hurt you in the wallet, too. Try some of these easy ways to spruce up your yard without spending a lot of money.

10 of the Coolest Sayings About Saving

Saving money is cool. Here are 10 easy-to-remember ways to remind yourself.

21 Times Spending More Will Save You Money

Spending money to save money may sound counterintuitive, but these 21 buys will surely help you pinch pennies in the long-run.

10 Investing Lessons You Must Teach Your Kids

Teach your children smart investing early, and you'll set them up for a lifetime of good financial decisions later.

Here's What You Can (And Can't) Buy With SNAP

There's a lot of confusion about what government food assistance can — and cannot — buy. Here's a rundown.

50 Best Deals and Coupon Sites

Coupon users are no longer scrooges but sages, wisely spending by saving. Here are a list of 50 great deals and coupon sites dedicated to serving savvy shoppers like you.

How a Simple "Do Not Buy" List Keeps Money in Your Pocket

Creating a "do not buy" list will totally change your shopping game — and help you save tons of cash.

6 Sneaky Ways You Cheat on Your Budget

No one likes a cheater — your budget included! Nix these small budget habits that are causing big harm to your finances.