Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

The 5 Best Electric Kettles

If you drink tea or French press coffee, you probably heat water every day. Do it faster and with less energy with these electric kettles.

Best Money Tips: Ways for Families to Save Money in June

Today we found some awesome articles on ways for families to save in June, getting your financial affairs in order, and assimilating into your new job.

Don't Ruin the Party: 11 Things Guests With Good Social Skills Never Do

If you want to get invited to your host's next shindig, don't do this!

The Inventor of the 401K Has Second Thoughts About Your Retirement Plan — Now What?

401K plans aren't perfect — its inventors even say so. But they can still help build your perfect retirement.

Review and Giveaway: The Secret to a Successful Budget eBook

We are celebrating Craig’s new budget book with a giveaway for lucky readers! To be entered to win a copy of the book for yourself, please just comment on this post with why you fe

How to Get Cash While Traveling Abroad

You're going to need cash when you travel abroad, but you don't need to pay all those fees and surcharges. Here's how.

Best Money Tips: Tips for Discussing Money Topics With Your Partner

Today we found some wonderful articles on tips for discussing money topics with your partner, things you should never buy at Sam's Club, and DIY cleaning products.

When Deals Matter

Some people are into deals. They collect and organize their coupons, they buy used, they negotiate with sellers. These are all good strategies, but they all take effort. This post

19 Things Most Tourists Overpay For, and How You Can Avoid Them

Why does travel always seem to cost more than expected? Spot these ripoffs and discover the cheaper alternatives you should buy, instead.

Guest Post: Now is the Time to Think Long-Term

I've got a guest post up at Get Rich Slowly on why now — when interest rates are very low — is the time to think long-term.

Best Money Tips: Dumb, Costly Moves That Homebuyers Make

Today we found articles on costly moves that homebuyers make, when to book the cheapest flights for the holidays, and easy ways to spring clean your home in a day.

Best Money Tips: Tasks You Can Offload to a Virtual Assistant

Today, we give you tasks that can be outsourced to a virtual assistant, a way to expand the variety of your cookie stash, natural methods to clean stainless steel, and more!

How to Never Pay for Another Book

If you have a computer, iPhone, or other handheld device, you can download for free more books than you will ever be able to read, including recent releases.

10 Things All Successful Freelancers Do

Making it as a freelancer is not easy — but it's not out of reach, either. Here's how successful freelancers spend their time.

Best Money Tips: The Best Sites for Renting and Buying Textbooks

Today we found some stellar articles on the best sites for renting and buying textbooks, steps to financial prosperity, and things you should know about the U.S. economy.

Best Money Tips: How to Make Your Habits Stick

Today, we share tips to help you stick to new habits, a sweet recipe for homemade hand-pulled cotton candy, and clever hacks for the frugal traveler!

How to Have More Eureka! Shower Moments

Science has figured out why showers make us creative ("a-ha!"), and you can use this insight to create lots more "Eureka!" moments, too.

10 Easy Ways to Burn Almost 1000 Extra Calories Per Day

A handful of easy-to-do lifestyle changes can add up to hundreds of calories avoided or shaved — every day. That's almost two pounds a week!

8 Ways to Stage Your Home Without Hiring a Pro

From curb appeal to clearing clutter, you can stage your home like the pros do — all without hiring a pro.

8 Things You Should Always Pack in Your Carry-On

Make sure you always leave enough room in your carry-on for these travel musts. Don't leave home without them!