Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Ask the Readers: Do You Schedule "Me" Time?

Tell us whether you schedule "me" time and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

Not free to be poor

Nobody wants to be poor. It's a dangerous and constrained position to be in. But there are people out there (me, for instance) who are relatively happy to live at a fairly low st

The 10 Biggest Lies We Tell Ourselves About Money

Who are you trying to kid, anyway? Quit telling yourself these major money lies.

Best Money Tips: Ways to Save a Buck Right This Minute

Today we found some fantastic articles on ways to save a buck right this minute, part-time jobs with health insurance, and saving money on school supplies.

Flashback Friday: The 82 Best Spring Cleaning Hacks We’ve Ever Shared

Spring cleaning is a lot less daunting when you have a strategy. These hacks will make it a painless process, and maybe even a little bit fun.

Stay Thin and Save

We've all been warned of the increased health care costs resulting from obesity. But what about all those other things you pay more for, like transportation, utitilities and clothi

Best Money Tips: Genius Places to Hide a Spare Key

Today we found some awesome articles on genius places to hide a spare key, finding health insurance if you are self employed, and expensive items worth the money.

5 Home Canned Foods That Beat Store Bought

Skip the sauce and condiment aisle, and try one of these easy canning recipes right in your home kitchen!

5 Best Amazon Deals for Thursday 08/22

Today's great deals include 40% off women's jeans, women's flats under $100, 40% off DEWALT heated jackets, and more!

3 Ways Technology Makes Personal Finances Easier

From saving money to staying on budget, technology has made it easier than ever to stay on top of my personal finances. Here are 3 ways technology has helped me save money and time

Last minute tips for quick and easy homemade Holiday cards. .

It happens every year to my family. We think we have all of the Holiday cards done and in the post, and then we get one out of nowhere from someone completely unexpected. If you've

3 Survival Instincts That Harm Investors

Following the herd was a good survival strategy for our subsistence ancestors. Today it's a good way to get your investment funds trampled.

Don't Get Taken by the Latest Secure Credit Card Scam

A fake bank is offering phony secured credit cards to consumers with troubled credit histories, and reading the fine print may not be enough to protect you.

Does's "Frustration-Free Packaging" live up to its name? recently announced their "Frustration-Free Packaging" initiative, aimed squarely at reducing the jagged tears and nasty lacerations. But is it as good as they claim?

Will the "Buy American" clause in the stimulus bill create or destroy jobs?

Tomorrow on February 17th President Obama plans to sign the $787 billion stimulus bill recently passed by Congress. One controversial portion of the bill is a clause for the publ

Your Daily Dose of Caffeine May Be Hurting You

Although the FDA considers caffeine "generally safe and reliable," that daily jolt is not without consequences. Learn how it may be harmful.

20 Cute, Creepy, Campy, and Scare-You-Stiff Halloween Movies for the Whole Family

Whether setting the mood for trick-or-treaters or in the mood for a scare, you'll find something delightfully frightful in this collection of family friendly Halloween movies.

Best Money Tips: One Super Useful Skill That No One Teaches

Today we found articles on a super useful skill that no one teaches, urban and wilderness survival hacks, and smart uses for Vaseline.

6 Places to Find Freelance Writing Jobs

As side gigs go, freelance writing isn't bad, so long as you have the research and writing skills — and know where to find the jobs. Start here.

SavedPlus Giving Away $3,000 to Wise Bread Readers

Get $20 just for trying out this free tool and chance to win $1,000.