Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

10 Beloved Books of Successful Millionaires

What's on your bookshelf right now? A bestseller? A classic? Well, some of the richest people in the world have a few book recommendations for you.

3 Unusual Gift Ideas for Loved Ones

Every year I struggle to find meaningful gifts for relatives that they will appreciate instead of adding to the clutter of "stuff" they own.

Caribbean Island Vacations Anyone Can Afford

Who hasn't dreamed of escaping to a Caribbean beach? These stunning Caribbean islands are only a flight away, and all within your budget.

Empty Coupon Code Box? You’re Paying Too Much.

If you're leaving the coupon code box blank when you buy something online, you're wasting money. Learn how to find online coupons and maximize their value.

4 Questions You Need to Ask Yourself Before Every Major Purchase

Before you break out the checkbook, ask yourself a few probing questions. Your future self will thank you, whether you decide to buy or not.

What You Need to Know About the Easiest Way to Save for Retirement

Target-date funds are an easy way to "set and forget" your retirement savings. But they have a few downsides, too.

10 Amazing Veggie Burgers to Make Tonight

Store bought veggie burgers aren't very frugal (and not very delicious). Make your own at home for a cheaper and tastier alternative.

Best Money Tips: 5 Costly Summer Travel Mistakes

Today we found articles on costly summer travel mistakes, stores where you can also save 10 percent or more, and laundry tips and tricks that everyone should know.

It's a Jungle Out There: Spotting Fake Reviews

In the jungle of information that is the Internet, product and service reviews can help you figure out what to long as the writers are honest.

Best Money Tips: Cheap and Easy Halloween Costumes for Pets

Today we found some stellar articles on cheap and easy costumes for pets, conquering lifestyle creep, and going green to save money.

Best Money Tips: Stop Your Toilets From Taking A Leak

Today we found articles on how to stop your toilets from taking a leak, radical strategies to retire sooner, and green ways to save around your home.

Best Money Tips: Personal Finance Tips for Recent Grads

Today we found some great articles on personal finance tips for recent college grads, haggling like a pro to get what you want, and tips to build your savings account.

Do I Have to Report This Income?

Not sure whether or not you should report certain types of income? The answers might surprise you.

Best Money Tips: Ways to Keep Cool Without AC

Today we found articles on ways to keep cool without AC, tax tips for newlyweds, and how to flip free stuff from Craigslist.

More Sales Insanity, This Time From Walmart

Price check in electronics! Why are some of Walmart's products so much cheaper online than in-store?

10 Surprising Uses for Coat Hooks

From kitchen to office, the humble coat hook offers a million and one ways to dangle. Get inspired to hang something up and out of the way.

11 Smart Uses for Sheets

Sheets can provide more than just sweet dreams. From clothing to gardening and even emergency safety, discover clever uses for these cotton cloths.

Best Money Tips: Health Hacks for Crazy Busy People

Today we found some helpful articles on health hacks for crazy busy people, tips to avoid being late, and questions you can to ask to overcome your fears.

Best Money Tips: The Best Things That Money Can't Buy

Today we found some great articles on the best things that money can’t buy, tips for a productive home office, and new year’s resolutions you might want to consider doing.

5 Credit Card Apps for Businesses and Consumers

There’s an easy way (and an app!) to accept other forms of payment besides cash.