Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Great Sites for Online Wedding Shopping

From invitations to place settings to even rings, you can turn a tiny matrimonial budget into a great big wedding with the help of these online stores.

Costs of Adding Ecommerce to Brick-and-Mortar Retailing

As your business grows, you’ll find that expanding via the web will be less expensive for certain P&L line items but require extra spending in other categories.

13 Parenting Hacks That Will Save You Time

Kids have voracious appetites — for their parents' time. Claw some of it back with this collection of daily kidcare shortcuts and family-life time-savers.

Do Fools Rush in where Angels Fear to Tread?

With new business starts at an all time high, you'd think shopping for good investments would be easier. But private investors aren't going there.

60+ Things You Can Decorate With Washi Tape

Colorful washi tape is easy to work with and suitable for a bunch of fun design and decoration projects. Where will you stick washi tape next?

Cyber Security on the Road

We'll look at how to protect your identity and electronic data while traveling, so you — and your business — return home safely every time.

Best Money Tips: Life-Changing Ways to Repurpose Household Items

Today we found some great articles on life-changing ways to repurpose household items, characteristics of those who are serious about their debt, and tips to stay ahead at work.

Flashback Friday: 36 Ways to Stay Productive While Working From Home

Stay focused during your work-from-home gig with these productivity tips.

No-Sew Ways to Update Your Wardrobe

If you have some outdated clothes that you want to revive, these easy updates will give you a new look, no needle and thread required.

10 Affordable Kids' Gifts That Won't Rot Their Brains

Give a kid an "educational" toy and it'll soon migrate to the bottom of the toy box. Try these toys and games that are fun first and smart second.

Why Germans Have Longer Vacation Times and More Productivity

Self-sacrifice has almost always gone hand-in-hand with American entrepreneurship and small businesses. Yet Europeans have always seemed to have taken a different route when it com

5 Wardrobe Basics for Women That Are Worth Investing In

When it comes to clothing, there are a lot of overpriced options. But for comfort, style, and longevity, these five items are worth spending the cash on.

Best Money Tips: Smart Ways to Use a Dollar

Today we found articles on smart ways to use a dollar, simple ways to make light in a blackout, and how to correct common billing errors.

The Lifetime Value of a Customer

The lifetime value of a customer is a valuable tool for measuring the contribution a customer makes to the bottom line and a useful basis for developing marketing strategies.

6 Tips for Making Cheaper, Faster, Better Meals

You don't have to slave over the stove to make a great meal. Craft delicious dinners quickly and cheaply with these tips.

10 Reasons Why Apple Is Still on a Tear

Apple is once again red hot and primed for more growth in 2015. Find out what's driving Apple's success today.

Good Press: 6 Steps to Writing Killer Op-Eds and Commentaries

Don't get caught in a press-release rut; behold the power of the op-ed.

Best Money Tips: Get Your Kids to Love School

Today we found some great articles on getting your kids to love school, saving money on gas, and things you can do to avoid regret.

8 Ways to Spend Your Last-Minute Health Care FSA Funds

The deadline to spend your Flexible Spending Account health care funds is approaching. Some of these qualifying purchases may surprise you.

Should You Take Out a Loan Backed by Your Investments?

Your investment bank or brokerage firm may have offered you a securities-based loan. Make sure you understand what you're signing up for before you sign up.