Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

9 Easy Ways to Turn a Terrible Day Around

So you're having a bad day. Here's how easy it is to make it a good one.

25 Free or Cheap Ways to Market Your Business

Lack of funds is no excuse to slow or stop your marketing efforts.

EverBank: Promising High Yields on Online Banking

If you're looking for high yields and low fees, check out online bank EverBank.

Don't Sweat The Small Things—Or, Well, At Least These 4 Things

Missing office stationery? Distracted employees? As long as the issues are minor, move on and stay focused on building your business.

6 Ways to Travel On a Budget While in Expensive Countries

Just because you're in a pricey location doesn't mean you need to spend a fortune to enjoy it.

How to Deal With Reverse Culture Shock When Returning Home

Lots of people experience culture shock while traveling, but reverse culture shock upon returning home can be overwhelming, too.

Best Money Tips: Making Fast, Healthy Meals on a Budget

Today we found some handy tips for making healthy meals, boosting your energy, and writing professional emails.

How to Not Be a Wage Slave

Many of us make decisions that tie us to our jobs. But, one author argues, if we make the right choices, that's not the way it has to be.

15+ Important Financial Dates to Mark on Your Calendar

Make sure to add these important financial dates to your 2018 calendar. Your money may depend on it!

Mr. Cheap Stuff: Who do you think you are?

We're chatting with Dean Takamine, the savvy saver behind Mr. Cheap Stuff. Here's the low-down on his love of deals!

Best Money Tips: Activities for Toddlers on a Budget

Today we found some awesome articles on activities for toddlers on a budget, saving on tax preparation fees, and expensive decisions that can haunt you for life.

Best Money Tips: Cheap and Fun Ideas for Easter

Today we found some great articles on cheap and fun ideas for Easter, improving your resume, and tax tips to make your life easier.

Make 5 cheap ‘greeting cards’ that blow Hallmark away.

Before I share with you my 5 great ways to make outstanding greeting cards, I'd like to rant about the four issues I have with store-bought greeting cards, like those produced by H

Best Money Tips: Ways Travel Can Help You Get a Job

Today we found some awesome articles on ways travel can help you get a job, 80-20ing your finances, and bundling insurance policies.

2 ways to find your dream amidst life's chaos

A couple of weeks ago, I wrote a post about my husband's and my choice to take some risks and follow our dreams. [more]

8 Cool Stores We Miss

Trying massage chairs at Sharper Image, thumbing through vinyl at Tower Records... Let's reminisce about our favorite old stores.

Raising Financially Savvy Kids: Highlights from Our Chat with Jump$tart

Don't miss the highlights from our chat with Jump$tart on raising financially savvy kids.

Want to land a good job? Learn to speak Ghetto!

Want a job that will earn you lots of money? A job that pays you to travel around the world? [more]

You link us! You really, really link us!

It's time for our weekly round-up of link-love. Thanks to all who have linked to our site. We love you right back. [more]

Do you write like a girl?

Based on some of the comments we get around here, it's safe to say that some of you might suspect me of possessing my very own pair of cajones. Attached ones, that is. Not, like, in a jar or something. [more]