Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Sell handmade goods, buy cheap handmade goodies.

In these days of mass-production and Wal-Mart's low prices and lower standards, it's great to see handmade artifacts making a comeback. Today, my wife introduced me to a site that is a meeting-place for buying and selling wonderful handmade items. [more]

Our Worst Financial Mistakes and What You Can Learn From Them

Wise Bread bloggers share their worst financial mistakes. Hopefully, wherever you may be in your living-large journey, you can learn from us.

How to Ease into Credit Card Rewards After Debt Repayment

You've conquered a mountain of debt. Congrats! Before you go right back to using credit cards again, learn how to proceed with caution.

10 Top Mutual Funds for Income Investors

Whether you're closing in on retirement or just need some extra cash, these 10 well-crafted mutual funds are worth a look.

Best Money Tips: Awesome Perks That Come With Your Plane Ticket

Today we found some great articles on awesome perks that come with your plane ticket, how to avoid a boring life, and mid-afternoon habits to get you through the day.

Paying Your Debts in the Wrong Order Could Be Costing You

All debts are not created equal. There's an order to your path to financial freedom.

Pay Your Bills and 5 Other Things You Must Do Before You Leave on Vacation

Vacation's end can be a real downer. Extend your holiday by making the return home stress free with some easy, before-you-go planning.

Buying a Home: Highlights from Our Chat with Money Smart Week

Don't miss the highlights from our chat with Money Smart Week on buying a home.

Best Money Tips: Daily Purchases That Hurt Your Budget

Today we found some great articles on daily purchases that hurt your budget, affordable cities for settling down, and bad news for Spotify users.

Best Money Tips: 5 Kinds of Bank Accounts That Everybody Needs

Today we found articles on bank accounts that everyone needs, important employee rights that teens should know, and how to create a calming evening routine.

Gourmet Pizza for Less than a Buck

 I’m a pizza fanatic. I will never turn it down. Ever. While living in Omaha, I looked forward to lunches with m

Start with recurring monthly expenses

I tend to divide spending up into four categories. [more]

Best Money Tips: Take Advantage of Back to School Sales

Today we found some great articles on ways to take advantage of back to school sales, automating your budget, and habits of the wealthy.

Opting out of the money economy

It's a quirk of mine that I've always found the idea of opting out of the money economy to be interesting.

6 Ways to Celebrate a Raise Without Spending It All

When you get a raise, it's tempting to go all out and celebrate. You can still do that — without spending all your new hard-earned dollars.

Credit squeeze (formerly know as a panic)

There used to be a particular financial event called a panic. [more]

9 (and a half!) things to do at work when there's no longer work to do (also good for a boring day at home!)

My job is crazy one week and snail-slow the next. During the slow times, it's easy to get sucked into the web, clicking from one page to the next, waiting for someone to have a fir

Homemade Deodorant: Is It Worth It?

Sure, ready-made deodorant is easy to purchase and use. But there are some great reasons to make your own (inexpensive!) deodorant.

Best Money Tips: Labor Day Sales

Today we found some great articles on labor day sales, giving without breaking the bank, and regaining control of your finances.

Best Money Tips: Simple Habits That Will Transform Your Finances

Today we found some great articles on simple habits that will transform your finances, where to find popular toys for cheap, and how to save money as a poor college student.