Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

5 Best Amazon Deals for Wednesday 12/18

Today's deals include 50% off Nickelodeon toys and movies, buy 2 movies and get one free, and more!

Teach yourself to cook

Everyone knows that cooking is cheaper and healthier than eating out. It's also better (i.e. more to your taste) than eating out, and easier than eating out (no driving, parking,

10 Fun, Free Ways to Entertain Yourself During a Flight Delay

If you're facing a long layover and a shortage of power outlets, forgo the tablet and try one of these inspired — and free — ways to pass the time.

The 5 Best Shampoos for Frizzy Hair

Keeping your hair frizz-free isn't easy, but it can be. Just use any of these shampoos for frizzy hair and your coif will remain sleek.

The Best and Worst Things to Buy in August

What sale trends will help you save money this month? Read through for the best and worst things to buy in August.

Why Your New Year's Resolutions Will Fail

Most of us make them and few of us keep them — and there are good reasons why. Learn how to make your New Year's Resolutions stick.

Everything You Need to Know About Flood Insurance

When it rains, it pours — and when it does, that flood insurance you've hated paying for will seem like a pretty smart investment.

Supermarket Angst Part III: How to Buy Better Poultry

In my supermarket angst series, I've been researching questions that have puzzled me at the store. This time, I'm tackling poultry. Is organic poultry worth the price premium? What

4 Financial Lessons From "Fifty Shades of Grey"

C'mon, don't lie. You know you only read the Fifty Shades series for the scandalous... personal finance lessons.

50 Ways to Feel Better About Yourself Right Now

We all feel down sometimes. Break out of that rut with these 50 strategies for feeling better fast!

10 Things Interviewers Really Want to Know When They Ask These Questions

Learn to read the truth behind these common job interview questions, so you can respond with the answers that get you hired.

The 5 Best Camcorders

Yeah, many of us have cameras on our phones. But to really capture life's memories, you just can't beat a camcorder. Here are our picks for the five best.

Ask The Readers: Are You Getting Your Tax Refund this Year? (Answer to win $10!)

Do you have a tip for making sure your tax money comes back to you at the end of every year? Give us your views and insights into tax refunds now (before the year runs out), and we

The 10 Commandments of Credit Card Use

Follow these 10 rules of responsible credit card use and reap the rewards of low interest, smaller monthly bills, and more money in your savings.

You Trade-In Your Car…Why Not Your Home?

Here’s a question for you that has been bugging me for years; why can’t home-builders follow the auto dealer’s classic model of old for new, and let people trade-in their old homes

Best Money Tips: Unusual Uses for WD-40

Today we found articles on unusual but handing uses for WD-40, ways to save money on JetBlue, and how to make your commute more productive.

The 10 Coolest Things That Come in a Can

Canned corn, ho-hum. But canned Unicorn? Yep, there's that and lots more hiding in the humble can these days.

10 Tricks to Keeping Your Kitchen Clean While You Cook

Keeping tidy while cooking makes for better meals and easier clean-up, and it doesn't take a lot of effort with these labor-saving shortcuts.

Should the First Time Homebuyers Tax Credit be Expanded and Extended?

The $8000 first time homebuyer's tax credit is set to expire on November 30th. This means that those who want to take advantage of this refundable credit have only a couple months

Best Money Tips: Free Ways to Entertain Yourself at Home

Today we found some fantastic articles on free ways to entertain yourself at home, free exercises that will help you get in shape, and advice for college graduates without debt.