Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Best Money Tips: Tips for a Better Retirement

Today we found some great articles on tips for a better retirement, easy-to-keep New Year's resolutions, and ways to avoid identity theft.

90 Free Activities to Get Your Creative Juices Flowing

Don't just sit there waiting for inspiration — break boredom and get creative with one of these great ideas.

Budgeting for Your Next Vacation: Yaycations

Here is a fun tool to help you figure out how you can save money, and then where that money can take you. It gives us a chance to dream big, and (even better) find ways to make tho

The 5 Habits You Must Break to Become More Self-Confident

You can be confident — just break through these five life-ruining habits. We'll tell you how.

How to Get Magazines for Cheap (or Free!)

Magazines are fun to read — but buying them at the store can get crazy expensive. Learn how to get magazine fix and save.

My best posts that got no attention

A few times I've written a post that I thought was good, but that seemed to vanish into the blogosphere without a trace. On my two-year anniversary of writing for Wise Bread, I

39 Tips That'll Save You Hundreds on Your Next Trip

Traveling can get expensive very quickly. Return home with a bank account that isn't completely empty with these money-saving tips.

The 5 Best Paper Shredders

A paper shredder can help you protect your valuable personal information from identity thieves. Here are our picks for the top five.

11 Truths About Good Personal Finance

Many people ignore these important financial truths, costing them thousands of dollars a year. Are you one of them?

5 Personal Finance Lessons From “The Hobbit”

You won't find an ATM in Smaug's lair, but you will find some pearls of financial wisdom scattered about the Lonely Mountain and Middle Earth.

You Can Watch Your Netflix Instant Queue Using Your Xbox 360

Recently, my son noticed that the Netflix logo appeared on his Xbox 360, when he was just browsing through his “dashboard”. He knows way more about the Xbox than I ever will, but

The 5 Best Gaming Mice

When playing computer games, you need all the right stuff at your fingertips. Just use any of these gaming mice and victory will be within your reach.

Super Doubles Are Back at Kmart

Are Super Double coupons at Kmart worth the time and hassle involved? Sometimes you never know until you're done shopping. But following a few simple tips can help stack the odds i

Best Money Tips: Save Money on Valentine's Day

Today we found some stellar articles on saving money on Valentine's Day, wedding favors people will actually use, and tips for making money this tax season.

The Personal Finance Letter I'd Write to My Younger Self

If you could write a letter of personal finance advice to your younger, less money-smart self, what would you say?

11 Ways to Save Money on Live Sporting Events

Live sporting events are fun — and expensive. But if you shop smart and pick your spots, you really can catch a game without blitzing your budget.

Best Money Tips: Why Women Need More Money Than Men

Welcome to Wise Bread's Best Money Tips roundup. This week we're talking leftover hot dog buns and a blinged-out J.D. Roth. (You'll have to see it to believe it!)

9 Great Stocks for Back-to-School Time

Back-to-school stocks are poised to have a strong autumn. Consider adding these strong cool-weather performers to your portfolio.

Flashback Friday: 62 Creative Uses for Your Favorite Condiments

Even if you put ketchup or Sriracha on everything already, you've probably never tried them like this!

8 Job-Hunting Tools That Are More Important Than LinkedIn

LinkedIn is a key career development tool, but it's only one tool. If you aren't using these other online job services, you're limiting your job opportunities.