Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Best Money Tips: Reduce Baggage While Traveling

Today we found some awesome articles on how to reduce baggage when traveling, creating a budget, and questions to ask your financial advisor.

8 Personal Finance Moves You Can Make While Jogging

Personal finance while jogging? With apps that make managing money easier than ever, fitness time can also be personal finance time.

Best Money Tips: Ways to Save Money on Streaming Services

Today we found articles on ways to save on streaming services, lifestyle changes to make while you’re paying off debt, and over 200 amazing upcycling ideas.

How a $14 Gift Increased Sales by 669%

This is a story of a tiny company that did a good deed, and that deed alone generated a massive growth in sales literally overnight.

5 Site Metrics Every Small Business Should Track

If you're not paying attention to your site analytics, your business is leaving money on the table. Here are the most important metrics that you'll want to track.

Best Money Tips: How to Eat Healthy on a Budget

Today we found some great articles on how to eat healthy on a budget, qualities that will impress your boss, and credit card mistakes to avoid.

9 Real Estate Clauses to Watch Out For

If you're planning to lease space for your business, make sure you're aware of all the associated fees — otherwise, you could be in for serious sticker shock.

Ways to Track Debt

If you're not keeping track of debt, you're probably not making much progress in paying it off. Follow one of these methods to easily track and pay off your debt.

8 Ways Having Kids Makes You More Frugal

For some of us frugality is a choice. For the rest, it's a choice we're given — usually when we're blessed with a couple more mouths to feed.

Best Money Tips: How to Make People Like You

Today we found some great articles on how to make people like you, 10 ways to save money now, and making extra money with yard sales.

7 Mental Roadblocks Between You and More Money

It's tough to find business success in a tough economic climate. Are your mental roadblocks making it tougher?

6 Things Your Business Needs More Than Cash

You need cash to meet payroll, cover overhead, pay suppliers, but if you're frequently short, maybe your business needs more of something other than cash.

3 Ways to Cut Payroll Taxes without Cutting Payroll

With a little creativity, employers can trim their share of the payroll tax burden without running afoul of the taxman.

6 Myths About Men and Women and the Workplace

How many of these six gender and workplace myths have you fallen victim to?

Best Money Tips: Inexpensive Experience Gifts

Today we found some great articles on inexpensive experience gifts, holiday shopping tips, and budget weddings.

5 Ways to Boost the Value of Your Business

When it's time to get out of your business will you be getting all you can out of your business?

3 Strategies to Stay Afloat in Trying Times

If the recession is slowing your business down, try these simple strategies to get more done for less while improving cash flow.

Wanna Make More Money? Make Your Employees Happy

Happy employees are productive employees. So what makes them happy?

Best Money Tips: Improve Your Social Life

Today we found some great articles on improving your social life, alternatives to joining the gym, and shopping and cooking for one.

4 Easy Ways to Automate Your Everyday Life

Don't let the little things distract you from the big picture. Free your mind for bigger things by putting your life on autopilot.