Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

10 Ways to Age Well for $0

Good news! Some of the best ways to access the fountain of youth are completely free.

Handling Money Decisions with Partners

Making financial decisions can be tough, and with a partner, they become even tougher. Learn how to decide with partners what's best for your business.

Best Money Tips: Beat the Airlines at Their Own Game

Today we found some great articles on ways to beat the airlines at their own game, rules for smart credit card use, and ways to get a salary hike.

10 Artists Who Became Art Entrepreneurs

Success is 10% inspiration and 90% perspiration. These ten entrepreneurs used that formula to turn creative expression into sustainable small businesses.

Best Money Tips: Slash Your Grocery Bill Without Clipping Coupons

Today we found some awesome articles on slashing your grocery bill without clipping coupons, things you can cut from your budget now, and saving strategies that work.

4 Retirement Planning Moves Every 20-Something Must Make

The smartest thing you can do for your retirement is to start preparing ASAP — that includes 20-somethings, too.

3 Ways to Get Tax-Free Income from Your Corporation

Some days it seems you're working for nobody but the taxman. Here's how you can keep a little of it for yourself.

Snow Patrol: Winter Driving Safety Kit Must-Haves

Fall might just be setting in, but now is the perfect time to get prepared for winter. Stay safe on the road at any time with these emergency essentials.

8 Signs You Desperately Need a New Credit Card

You may want a new credit card, but do you need one? Here's how to tell.

8 Effective Strategies For Mobile Marketing

Smart phones aren't just for urban hipsters. Neither is mobile marketing.

15 Tips for Hosting Holiday Houseguests

Keep houseguests happy and stay stress-free during the holidays by following these fun, frugal, and festive hosting suggestions.

How to Write Off Start-Up Costs

Getting a business up and running is usually expensive. But once yours is a going concern, you can turn some of those costs into standard business deductions.

3 Things to Know Before Subleasing Your Office Space

Before you decide to sub-lease your extra space, make sure you know what you're letting yourself in for.

What Small Business Healthcare Tax Credits Do You Qualify For?

The Health Care Reform Bill includes a tax break for eligible small businesses who offer healthcare benefits to their employees. You may be able to get back 35¢ for every $1 you spent if you meet ALL of the following requirements: you have less [more]

Join Our Tweetchat on Thursday 12/21, 12pm Pacific for a Chance to Win Prizes

Topic: 2017 Finances in Review! Join our conversation for chance to win Amazon gift cards! Use #WBChat to participate!

Cell Phones as Tax-Free Fringe Benefits

Due to changes in tax law, employers can now offer employees cell phones as a tax free benefit.

5 Small Businesses That Made It Big With The Help Of Reality Shows

Appearing on reality television might be one of the biggest breaks you can get for your small business. Here's what to know, and how to make it happen.

5 Things To Know About Year-End Bonuses

Year end bonuses can be a good way to reward and motivate your employees. Just be sure you're following state and federal tax regulations.

4 Ways to Inject Cash into Your Business

Banks and other outside investors aren't the only sources of additional cash to grow your business.

How to Network Sincerely and Effectively

Building an effective network among your customers and colleagues is a key to business success. And the key to effective networking is sincerity.