Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

New Legislation Gives Coupons “Equivalent Cash Value”

Got coupons? Get cash! A new law means coupons can now be traded in for their "equivalent cash value."

Another 7 Travel Destinations Not Worth the Money

Travel can be an expensive headache — especially if your itinerary includes any of these seven pricey places.

The 5 Best Waterproof Phone Cases

Keeping your phone dry at all times isn't easy, but it can be. Use any of these waterproof phone cases and your phone will be able to brave all the elements.

How to Preserve Critical Vendor Relationships

Monitoring cash balances is essential and withholding payments until the last moment may be necessary, but be careful: being slow to pay  may alienate you from vendors.

Best Money Tips: Save Money After Your Baby is Born

Today we found some awesome articles on ways to save after your baby is born, how to teach kids about money, and places to buy cheap travel supplies.

7 Ways Auto-Payments Can Screw You

Auto-pay can be a convenient way to pay for regularly billed goods and services. As with other conveniences, that benefit comes at a price.

8 Ways Your Customer Service Job Can Help You Win at Life

Next time you're feeling fed up with your service industry gig, just remember — it's making you a better person.

Small Business Profile: Stefanie Michaels (Adventure Girl)

Former swimwear model Stefanie Michaels, known to her fans as “Adventure Girl”, is the ultimate travel expert. Millions of fans visit to follow Stefanie as she

7 Pitfalls That Can Bloat a Home Office Budget

Working from home sounds like a great idea, but it's easy to bust your budget building the perfect office. Here's how to outfit your space for less.

11 Laundry Mistakes You Didn't Know You Were Making

Your clothes aren't getting clean and it's all your fault. How many of these washday mistakes are you making?

How Taking a Sabbatical Can Help Your Business

It seems counter-intuitive for us to take (what some may see as) excessive time off from our businesses in order to prosper and grow. But it works.

Best Money Tips: Save Money Around the House

Today we found some awesome articles on ways to save money around the house, dining out on a budget, and secrets of cell phone carriers.

Best Money Tips: How to Live on $1,000 a Month

Today we found some terrific articles about living on $1,000 a month, getting your time allocation to match your priorities, and tips to help introverts thrive.

Best Money Tips: Fast Food Hacks That'll Save You Money

Today we found articles on fast food hacks that’ll save you money, things to do every day that will make you smarter, and what to do instead of having a garage sale.

9 Ways to Protect Your Pricing and Keep Your Customers

You don't always have to slash prices to stay competitive. There are many great ways you can add value to your goods and services at little or no cost. Here are 9 ways to protec

Best Money Tips: Get an Inexpensive Workout

Today we found some great articles on inexpensive ways to get a workout, how to have a successful garage sale, and how to buy more house for less money.

The Military's Four-Step Plan to Keeping Your Place Clean

There's no room in the armed forces for clutter and mess. Learn how to keep your place ship-shape with these secrets of military cleanliness.

Bad Credit? It Might Cost You Your Marriage

Your perfect partner is smart, funny, attractive. What more could you want from them? Add this to your list: a good credit score.

Free Ways to Celebrate Mother's Day

Making your mother feel appreciated shouldn't mean buying lots of stuff. Discover scores of free (or almost free) ways to celebrate that special lady.

What to Do When You've Blown Your Budget for the Month

You've busted your budget for the month and there's still three weeks left to go. What now?