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Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

7 Organizations That Need Your Help During Christmas

Get into the spirit of the season and spread some Christmas cheer with these seven opportunities to volunteer your time. It doesn't take much!

Financial Math Basics You Need to Know

Do you have the math skills to manage your finances? Learn these basic concepts and calculations to help improve your financial position.

Figuring the Size of Your Emergency Fund

The usual rule of thumb is 3 to 6 months' income. Of course that's silly--the size of your emergency fund needs to be based on your spending, not your income. But even 3

12 Expert Tips for Redeeming Miles for Free Travel

Your dreams of seeing the world don't have to drain your savings. Become a frugal jetsetter with a little help from some credit card reward experts.

How to Keep Peer Pressure From Destroying Your Finances

Keeping up with the Joneses is keeping too many of us in debt.

The Best (Inexpensive) Souvenirs

As a rule, we don’t buy souvenirs for their usefulness. A t-shirt from the Hard Rock Café or a shell sculpture from Hawaii isn’t going to increase your productivity — in fact, dust

10 Simple Household Repairs Every Frugal Person Should Master

Why call an expensive pro to fix every little thing around the house when you can just DIY? Get out your toolkit and get to work!

6 Great Side Jobs for Book Lovers

Wishing you could spend all day reading books instead of going to work? Put that bookwormery to good use by getting paid to be a book lover.

7 Unnecessary Household Expenses You Can Cut Today

If your family doesn't examine these 7 common household expenses, you are wasting way too much money.

4 Ways a Home Energy Audit Will Save You Money

Those drafty windows and ancient appliances are costing you, big time. This is one audit you'll be happy to endure.

Do What You Love: Idealistic Nonsense Or Good Advice?

"Do what you love" has always been the cheesiest advice you can give a young person, but can it really be solid advice? In anything you do, there's the struggle of between paying t

40 Restaurants That Offer Senior Discounts

What a drag it is getting old — except for the discounts. Bookmark this list and never forget where seniors can eat for cheaper.

6 Reasons You Need to Include Pets in Your Will

When drawing up your will, don't forget to include your four-legged family members! They need you, even when you're gone.

7 Signs Your Takeout Habit Has Gone Too Far

If your go-to dinner plan involves opening your GrubHub app, your takeout habit has probably gone too far.

10 Ways to Relieve Your Money Stress

Money may be a leading cause of stress these days, but it doesn't have take over your life.

You Won't Believe How Much the Average Person Spends on Salon Visits Each Year

Beauty salons are a 20 billion dollar industry in the United States. How much are you spending on your look?

Keys Locked in the Trunk? Here's What to Do

A moment of absent-mindedness, and now your keys are locked in the trunk. Don't panic! Follow this guide to get back on the road.

Watch Out for These 10 Red Flags With Vacation Rentals

Ready to book your next vacation rental? Don't sign on the dotted line until you know about these warning signs.

How the Risk Averse Can Get Into the Stock Market

Investing is not without risk. But that doesn't mean you should be afraid of investing altogether.

3 Reasons to Be Picky When Hiring a Financial Planner

There are times in life when it's best to be picky, and choosing a financial planner is definitely one of them.