Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

$4,000, $8,000, or Even $453,500 in 5 Years: A Low-Risk Investment Plan

If you're saving for a new car or a down payment on a house, you can boost your return in the short-term with little risk.

10 Smart Ways to Keep Your Entire Life Clutter-Free

Decluttering can seem like an overwhelming process. But there is a way to clear the clutter without the stress of decluttering. Promise!

Just Saving More Is Not the Answer

Whenever I write about calculating how much money you need to retire, some people disagree strongly with the whole idea that there is such a figure. One told me, "The only correct

Is Your Partner Financially Unfaithful? (1 in 3 Are)

One in three partners in a committed financial relationship has been deceived by their partner about money. Why do partners lie about spending and what can you do about it?

Selling Stuff Online? Avoid These 8 Flipping Mistakes

If you're looking to make some extra cash by selling stuff online, make sure you don't fall into these common traps.

Best Money Tips: Be More Effective Using Best-By Dates

Today, we give you a workplace use for "best-by" dates, tips to do more with less work, advice on public speaking, and ideas for a green Halloween!

Join Our Tweetchat on Thursday 7/31, 12pm PST for a Chance to Win $300 in Prizes!

Topic: Making a Financial Plan! Join our conversation with Transamerica for chance to win $300 in Amazon gift certificates! Use #WBChat and #HaveAPlan to participate!

Here's How a Claim Will Impact Your Car Insurance

Fender bent? Whether it was you or the other guy, there's a good chance your insurance policy may change.

U.S. Banks and the Tokyo Drift

A nation reeling from popped real estate and financial collapse mopes through a recession, its president urging calm. Just what country are we talking about?

10 Ways Anyone Can Go Solar and Save on Energy

Looking to save some money on your monthly energy bills? Make these changes and you'll save the planet, too!

November 11: The Last Free National Park Day of the Year

Plan a final outdoor adventure for 2011, and discover how to get free entrance to parks year-round.

Join Our Tweetchat on Thursday 8/7, 12pm PST for a Chance to Win $300 in Prizes!

Don't miss our #SmarterPhone #WBChat with Republic Wireless on 8/7 at 12pm PST! We will be giving away $300 in prizes!

Best Money Tips: What to Stockpile By the Month

Today we found articles on what to stockpile each month, simple ways to lower your taxes in retirement, and tips for negotiating your apartment lease.

Canned vs. Dried Beans: Which Are Cheaper?

Should you buy dried beans or canned? Discover which kind costs 50% less.

The 10 Dirtiest, Germiest, Grossest Things You Live With Everyday

Ten reasons you may never touch anything ever again.

Join Our Tweetchat on Thursday 3/30, 12pm PST for a Chance to Win Prizes!

Topic: Live Longer Without Running Out of Money! Join our conversation with Jean Chatzky for chance to win Amazon gift cards! Use #WBChat and #AgeProof to participate.

Change Your Life with Storytelling

Marketers use stories about perfect lives to try to sell you things, but you can use the same technique to help create your own perfect life.

5 Smart Ways to Save on Back-to-School Clothing

Back-to-school means lots of new clothes — and not just for kids. Whether shopping for students or former students, stick with a plan and save.

Dried Fruit, Paint Brushes, and 8 Other Things You Should Keep in the Fridge

Sure, your fridge is full of food, but did you know that flowers and paint brushes should be in there, too? Yep, it's true.

5 Frugal Rules You Must Follow When Shopping at Costco

Everything is cheaper at Costco, right? Maybe not. Follow these tips to ensure that you don't waste money at the wholesale store.