Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

100 Small Things That Can Bring You Joy

Need a quick mood boost? No matter where you are or what's got you down, you're sure to find a pick me up in this big list of small joys.

The 6 Healthiest Grocery Stores

Grocery stores often try to trick you into making unhealthy — and costly — food choices. Shop at these stores for healthier marketing.

Is Pet Health Insurance Worth It?

Everyone is talking about the staggering costs of health care these days, but they don't talk about pet health care. And it's not cheap. Not even close.

How to Find and Hire a Virtual Assistant for Your Small Business

A virtual assistant is an administrative employee who lives and works remotely. By hiring a remote worker, you can hire from a global talent pool, and find help with more education

12 Fun Facts About Valentine's Day Spending

Fun fact: we spend a lot of money on Valentine's Day gifts — with the U.S. spending $1.5 billion on greeting cards alone!

17 Uses for Stale Bread

Using up leftover bread is not only frugal, it's delicious. Make sure you eat every last crumb of that aging loaf with these recipes.

The 5 Best Dry Shampoos

Washing hair everyday with regular shampoo can leave it flat and dry. Keep your hair looking its best with one of these best 5 dry shampoos.

9 Home Improvements You Should Always Negotiate

Hiring pros to tackle your biggest home improvement projects is unavoidable. What is avoidable is paying exactly what they ask.

Here's What to Do If You Can't Afford Your Mortgage Payment

If tough finances have made you miss some mortgage payments, it's time to get proactive with your lender — and your budget.

Science Says You Don't Need a Standing Desk, After All -- You Only Need This

Recent studies show that sitting all day actually will not kill you. Desk sitters, rejoice!

4 Money Moves Every College Freshman Should Master

There will be lots of things to learn during your first year of college. Make sure you master these money moves between classes.

6 Things in Your Kitchen That Get Rid of Bad Smells Naturally

Don't worry if your kitchen stinks. The solution to your smell problem is only a shelf away.

9 Childhood Collectibles Worth Big Bucks Today

Climb into the attic or visit your storage locker — those old toys and games you held onto for no reason may be worth thousands today.

IRS Delays Start of Tax Filing for Some Taxpayers in 2011

The IRS announced that certain taxpayers will have to wait until late February 2011 to file taxes. Read on to see if you are affected by this delay.

5 Ways to Earn Cashback Rewards Without Extra Spending

You can earn hundreds of dollars of extra cash without spending more money.

10 Must-See Museums in the U.S.

If you're looking for the perfect blend of culture and history, these 10 museums in the U.S. will blow your mind.

3 Things You Should Consider Before Selling Your House for Cash

You just got a cash offer for your home! Before you sell, consider these important things first.

The Shanghai Supposition: Better Choices=More Choices=Better Experiences

Cheap Chinese goods have created a Wal-Mart economy in America but for the individual they can be an eye-opening experience about the joys of travel, about the pride garnered from

5 Ways to Make Extra Income Online Today

These five quirky websites can help you generate some extra income with skills and stuff you already have.

25 Ways to Entertain Your Child for Free or Cheap

You don't need to buy expensive toys or costly movie tickets to keep your young one occupied. Just try one of these frugal, fun ways to entertain your kid.