Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

14 Best Side Jobs For Fast Cash

You need cash, and you need it fast. Stop hitting up your friends for spare change, and start one of these lucrative side gigs!

You Don't Need a Retirement Plan — You Need a Financial Independence Plan

If planning for retirement is your primary financial goal, you may be doing it wrong.

16 Small Steps You Can Take Now to Improve Your Finances

Believe it or not, you can improve your finances in a big way by making several small money moves.

5 Renovations That Don't Increase Your Resale Value

Before you get started on a new home renovation, make sure you know if it'll increase your resale value.

5 Money Moves to Make Before You Turn 40

Before you hit the big 4-0, make sure you've made these money moves.

40 Restaurants That Offer Senior Discounts

What a drag it is getting old — except for the discounts. Bookmark this list and never forget where seniors can eat for cheaper.

8 Home Buys You Should Never Skimp On

From door locks to kitchen appliances, some things are worth the extra cost. Shop smart, but don't skimp when it comes to these home buys.

The Pros and Cons of Paying Off Your Debt Early

You dream of being debt-free, but is it all it's cracked up to be?

Why You Don’t Need Mortgage Life Insurance

When you sign for your mortgage, you are offered mortgage life insurance as part of the deal, with liability forms to sign if you decline it. Which is better - mortgage life insura

Everybody's Wrong About How Much House You Can Afford

Owning too much house often leads to your house owning you. Avoid becoming house poor with a radical approach to housing costs.

Foraging for Food: The Hunt For The Wild Mushroom

It’s early May, and the river bottom is full of new life. Not just rabbits, snakes, and chicks, but also brand new morel mushrooms. This tasty treat is as much fun to find as it

10 Things You Should Always Buy and Sell on eBay

Whether you're searching for a rarity or cleaning out the closets, eBay is the place to go — as long as you know what moves and why.

The Simple Way to Decide How Much Rent You Can Really Afford

Before you set out to find your next great rental apartment or home, take a good look at your income. What can you afford?

How to Travel Full-Time for $17,000 a Year (or Less!)

For the last five years, one writer has traveled full-time on the cheap. Discover how she did it, and how you can too.

Make Your DVD Player Region-Free in Seconds

Region coding can, in most cases, be removed from your DVD player using a simple remote-control code that unlocks the player.

8 Moves to Make If You Need to Break Your Lease

No one ever thinks they'll need to break their lease — but things happen. Avoid legal — and financial — pitfalls by handling it smartly.

Clear Out That Clutter: 15 Places to Sell Your Stuff

Get rid of your old stuff, and make money too! No matter what you want to sell, find out where you can get rid of it — and get cash.

7 Everyday Things That Are Surprisingly Awesome Investments

It's not every day a thrift store find turns out to be a DaVinci, but that doesn't mean your everyday finds aren't worth something. What's hiding in your attic?

How do you spend money to save time?

It's a — pardon the expression — timeless saying: "You can always make more money, but you can't make more time." The staunch followup to that tends to be that you can make better

Someone Took Out a Loan in Your Name. Now What?

A fraudulent loan can have dire consequences for your personal finances. Here's how you can fix the problem, stat.