Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

51 Uses for Coca-Cola – the Ultimate List

I was trawling the Internet recently searching for a way to remove a grease spot from a favorite shirt of mine. How it got there, well, I blame a faulty fork and not my clumsy mout

10 Home DIY Projects You Can Do in One Day

A one-day DIY project can spruce up your home and give you a sense of accomplishment without the time commitment of a bigger project.

10 Smart and Frugal Uses for Epsom Salt

Instead of buying expensive cleaners and beauty products, you can save a ton of cash if you use good old fashioned epsom salt instead.

10 Simple Ways to Get Your Life Together

Self improvement is hard. Start with these simple (but significant) improvements first, and see where they take you.

10 Ways to Save on a Long-Distance Move

When you're moving a long distance, you can't just buy a pizza and a 12-pack and ask your friends to pitch in. Here's how to save on a cross-country move.

6 Secrets to Mastering the Debt Snowball

The debt snowball method really, truly works. Now, you just need to master it!

Are Starter Homes Still a Thing?

Starter homes used to be the norm. But in today's housing market, you might not need those homeowner training wheels.

10 frugal things to try before you die (updated)

Well, I say frugal but some of these cross that line from frugality into something less honorable. But hey, live a little. We all have to try new things sometimes. [more]

11 Freelance Jobs That Pay Surprisingly Well

Freelancers don't always have to struggle to pull in a decent income. Some side gigs actually pay well.

Keys Locked in the Trunk? Here's What to Do

A moment of absent-mindedness, and now your keys are locked in the trunk. Don't panic! Follow this guide to get back on the road.

How to Organize Your Paperwork in Just 10 Minutes a Week

If your financial filing system is more "pile" than file, take heart. Learn to control your documents — and make tax time and a lot else much easier.

4 Ways a Home Energy Audit Will Save You Money

Those drafty windows and ancient appliances are costing you, big time. This is one audit you'll be happy to endure.

Need to Sell Your House? Here's How to Let Go

Selling your home is more than just signing on a dotted line. You have to find emotional closure, too.

The 10 Best Couponing Apps

These 10 apps are your new go-tos for the best coupons with the biggest savings. No scissors required.

10 Exercises to Do at Work That Don't Make You Look Silly

Realistically, most of us can't pull out crazy yoga poses, lift weights, or do jumping jacks at work. Here are 10 realistic exercises for the office.

101 Useful Things You Can Do in 15 Minutes or Less

In 15 minutes or less you can boost your career, strengthen a relationship, manage your finances, prep a meal, and lots more!

10 Negotiation Mistakes That Will Destroy Your Deal

From small buys to major life purchases, negotiation can make or break the deal. Win your next haggle-sesh by avoiding these common mistakes.

7 Apps That Actually Pay You to Shop

Need an easy way to get cash back for your shopping habit? Yep, there's an app for that.

Ask the Readers: What Are You Most Looking Forward to in 2012?

Tell us about what you are most looking forward to in 2012 and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

How to Watch Movies in the Theater for Free

You can easily see brand-new movies in the theaters for free. Yes, totally free. Really.