Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Great Summertime Grilling for Any Budget

Grilling during the summer is fun, but can also add up quickly. These 24 great grilling foods come in around $1 per serving -- or much less.

Best Money Tips: Have an Exciting Staycation

Today we found some great articles on ideas for an exciting staycation, things you should always buy generic, and emergency preparedness on a shoestring.

Using a Card, Not a Vendor Credit Line, for Business Purchases

Getting credit terms (aka trade terms) with vendors is usually a savvy move but, depending on the circumstances, paying with credit or charge cards can be just as smart. Securin

10 Ways to Save Ruined Recipes

Even the best home cooks sometimes make mistakes. Save dinner with these easy fixes for 10 common kitchen mistakes.

Best Money Tips: How to Live Like a Millionaire for a Day

Today we found articles on ways to live like a millionaire for a day, how to survive long flights, and side hustles you can do with your partner.

When to Outsource for Your Small Business

The big bucks are made not on one person’s efforts alone, but the efforts of many. Today we will look at the inherent characteristics of outsourcing.

10 Surprising Uses for Coat Hooks

From kitchen to office, the humble coat hook offers a million and one ways to dangle. Get inspired to hang something up and out of the way.

75 Top Twitter Tips from Today’s Small Business Moms

Twitter is one of the most cost-effective ways for you to market yourself and your business. We asked 75 of the most Twitter-savvy entrepreneurs for their best Twitter marketing se

8 Financial Considerations of Ecommerce

Online retailing involves the same principles as offline (or "brick & mortar") retailing, but the tactics and mechanics are different. Here's a look at 8 facets of

8 Surprising Ways Confidence Can Hurt Your Investments

Being confident is good. Being a little too confident with your investments, on the other hand, can mean money troubles.

Tax Breaks for Going Green

With the many tax deductions and credits available to business owners, making your company more sustainable can pay off when you do your taxes.

Cash Flow: What It Is and What It Isn't

When cash flow stops, the situation quickly turns critical. Unfortunately, the concept of cash flow is largely misunderstood. So, before you inadvertently bleed to death, let's

5 Credit Card Apps for Businesses and Consumers

There’s an easy way (and an app!) to accept other forms of payment besides cash.

Have Houseguests? How to Be the Host With the Most

Being the best host or hostess is no small feat. Follow these nine suggestions, and your guests will continue to appreciate their visit long after they've left.

Best Money Tips: Things You Shouldn't Buy Until After Christmas

Today we found some great articles on things you shouldn’t buy until after Christmas, ways to avoid overeating during the holidays, and things you need to stop doing when you work.

How to Make Collection Calls that Keep Customer Relationships

Adopt a relationship-building mindset prior to making a call to collect on past due balances.

Best Money Tips: Get Ready For Your Road Trip

Today we found some great articles on getting ready for your road trip, surviving skyrocketing rental prices, and how your dentist bill can save you money.

Self Directed IRA + LLC = Checkbook IRA

Growing your business may be your best retirement plan, but it's also important to set aside some personal retirement savings separate from the business. Doing so correctly can

How to Build a Back-to-School Capsule Wardrobe That's Trendy and Affordable

Build a back-to-school capsule wardrobe that mixes reliable clothing options plus a few trendy pieces — and save money, too.

Things to Consider Before Uprooting Your Business

Deciding to uproot your business and go virtual can be very liberating, but there are a number of things to consider and account for before pulling the plug on your office space.