Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

9 Ways to Get Exactly What You Want From Customer Service

Use these Jedi mind tricks to get the best possible results from customer service reps.

Buy These 9 Christmas Gifts Now and Save

Make your Christmas shopping list, shop it now, store 'til December, and you won't have to check it — or your bank account — twice.

Never Leave Home Without These 10 Essential Travel Apps

Need a translator, local tour guide, cheap calls or ways to escape the airport faster? There's an app for that.

The 5 Best Treadmills

No more excuses! Having a treadmill at home can make it a lot easier to exercise. Here are our picks for the five best.

4 Reasons Why Starting a Small Business is Easier than You Think

I started a thriving business at home doing what I love. Learn how you can overcome the common excuses and do the same!

8 Gadgets Every IT Professional Should Own

Are you wondering what cutting edge gadgets that every tech professional needs? Here are 8 of our favorites.

Farnoosh Torabi Shares Favorite Holiday Shopping Tips With Wise Bread Readers!

Today Show's money guru reveals overlooked ways to save more this holiday season.

Best Money Tips: How to Build a Money-Making Blog in a Week

Today we found articles on how to build a profitable blog in a week, legislation that may help you save $2,000 a year on food, and ways to keep your pets cool and safe this summer.

How to Find a Legit Virtual Assistant Job

Working flexible hours from home can be a dream. Learn where to find a bonafide VA job that pays.

Tasty Treats to Make With Mulberries

It’s one of my favorite times of year. The volunteer mulberry trees in my yard have begun popping with mulberries, and the kids have come inside from a morning out in the yard wit

8 Creative Uses for K-Cups

Brewing coffee with K-Cups is delicious and easy...and it uses LOTS of little containers. Get more life out of your K-Cups with these projects.

5 Easy Ways to Avoid Common Spelling and Grammatical Errors

Spelling and grammar miscues are embarrassing and irksome — and maybe even career threatening. Trap those errors before they trip you up with a few simple tricks.

Grocery Jargon: 10 Terms to Know Before You Hit the Aisles

Food labels are covered with feel-good terms these days — but what does "natural," "organic," or "grass fed" really mean? Find out here.

How to Start Off Your Cover Letter Right

Follow these examples to write an effective, attention-grabbing cover letter introduction!

I Earned 20% More After Reading This Book

Within the last 30 days, I've increased my monthly income by about 20 percent and I give credit to to a book from 1944: How to Stop Worrying and Start Living by Dale Carnegie. In t

Best Money Tips: Sleeping Tips You've Never Heard

Today we found some awesome articles on sleeping tips you've never heard, reasons not to eat fast food, and things to remember when everything goes wrong.

What's the Right Way to Save?

We all have our own ways of handling our finances -- and that's why it's called "personal" finance. What works for one person may not necessarily work for someone else, and this is

Save $70,000 (or More!) With 4 Simple Credit Score Boosts

The benefits of good credit — reduced interest paid on purchases — can add up to many thousands of dollars. Learn how to start improving your credit today.

How to Turn Average Talent into Fame and Fortune

Some people have great talent. Some don’t. And then, there are those people who are OK at something and yet, through smart thinking and ingenuity, create a niche for themselves tha

These Are the 8 Most Common Homebuying Mistakes Foreclosure Experts See

A HUD-approved foreclosure prevention counselor shares what she's learned helping homeowners through the housing crisis — and how you can avoid the same fate.