Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

To Groupon or Not to Groupon: The Cost of Offering Deep Discounts

Wouldn't it be nice if you could run a free online coupon deal and wake up the next morning to learn you'd sold two thousand pre-paid dinners or event tickets? Maybe, maybe not.

Cold, Frugal Drinks to Keep You Cool in the Heat

When summer is in full swing, cold drinks are in order. Don't waste your money on sugar-filled store-bought stuff; make your own delicious drinks for cheap.

Best Money Tips: How to Add an Extra Hour to Your Day

Today we found some great articles on how to add an extra hour to your day, how to make your own Shamrock Shake, and the best websites to learn new languages.

Creating Productive Workspaces

Want to get more work done? Change the place where you're working.

Handling Money Decisions with Partners

Making financial decisions can be tough, and with a partner, they become even tougher. Learn how to decide with partners what's best for your business.

7 Essential Small Business Tools to Save Money, Time, and Space

Businesses nowadays can function without a ton of storage space for supplies and paper records. Use these tools to save money, time, and space for your small business.

7 Easy Ways to Motivate Anyone

Motivation comes from within. Here are seven ways to help your people find theirs.