Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Eating Vegan on the Cheap

People often assume — incorrectly — that making vegan meals means a big jump in grocery costs. Find out how to go vegan and save.

5 Reasons Why Life Insurance Isn't Just for Old People

Life insurance protects the ones we love in case the worst should happen. That's why you shouldn't wait to buy some.

Which of These 9 Retirement Accounts Is Right for You?

Picking the right retirement account can be a little tricky. Here's a break down of the best plans to help you save money for your future.

Balancing Act: The Perils of Budgeting

Tackling a budget requires you to do one big thing with your finances — find the balance.

10 Great Uses for Old Ties

Thrift stores (and maybe even your very own closet) tend to be filled with used ties. Give them new life with one of these easy DIY projects.

How One Family Lives Well (And Even Owns a Home) on Just $11 an Hour

Limited income, limited life — right? Wrong. Learn how the Luh family is thriving without a huge paycheck — and you can too.

Best Money Tips: Use These Apps to Be More Productive

Today we found articles on apps that can make you more productive, tips for mindful consumption, and budget saving trends that don’t work.

Womanhood microscopic and other hot stock tips

Spam ahoy! Penny stocks are the latest get-rich-quick scheme, and they're coming your way via email.

The Secret to Making Tough Financial Decisions

One writer was taught when she was very young — it's a commitment to the little things that makes the big things work.

5 Easy Ways to Make Extra Money Blogging

You've got a website, an audience, and a passion — but how, exactly, do you monetize that blog? It's easier than you think.

6 Ways Your Pet Can Earn a Paycheck

Raising a fur baby isn't cheap, but if you're clever, your pet can pay you back in spades.

Another one for the readers

Here's where to find free e-books online.

8 Other Green Cleaners Already in Your House

You know about the miraculous properties of baking soda and vinegar, but there are plenty more effective, all-natural cleaners you might already have around.

The 5 Best Foundations

A good foundation covers blemishes and evens skin tone. These five best foundations do that, plus they nourish and protect your skin, too.

6 Questions All Rookie Investors Should Ask

If you're new to investing, you probably have questions. At least, you should.

When Good Food Goes Bad Part IV: Black Beans

Treat your tastebuds to Brazil's most famous, frugal dish: feijoada!

Best Money Tips: Cheap Ways to Keep Fit and Stay Healthy

Today we found some great articles on cheap ways to keep fit and stay healthy, tips for taxpayer newbies, and discounts hidden in plain sight.

11 Signs You Need to Dump Your Friend

Gossips, cheats, assorted scoundrels — you don't need them in your life, so go ahead and drop them. And not just on Facebook, either.

The Dirty Secrets of Credit Cards

Here are some of the biggest dirty secrets of the credit card industry.

Best Money Tips: How to Afford Real Food on a Budget

Today we found articles on simple ways to afford real food on a budget, a system to organize your receipts for the whole year, and ways to make fresh flowers last longer.