Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Money Pitfalls of the Big Sale

You've just scored your first big sale — hurray! But that new sale might be less lucrative than you expected, or even put you deeper in the hole. Learn why.

7 Fresh Ideas for Healthy Road Trip Snacks

Fuel up cheaply and easily while you're traveling (or anytime!) with these delicious, healthy road trip snacks fit for the entire family.

3 New 1099 Rules You Should Know About

Starting next year, small businesses and entrepreneurs will need to issue 1099s for a variety of additional services. Find out what you'll need to track and report.

Tips for Accomplishing More in a Day

Time management is a difficult skill to master, but these simple tricks can help you do more and worry less.

Best Money Tips: Money Saving Tips for Frugal Families

Today we found some great articles on money saving tips for frugal families, ways to gain more confidence, and how to keep your airline miles from expiring.

Cultivating Teamwork Excellence

Want to have a great, effective team? Learn how to be a great team leader.

Feelin’ Flakey: 7 Delicious Corn Flake Ideas

There's a lot more to do with corn flakes than just toss 'em in a bowl with some milk. Discover surprising uses for this cheap ingredient.

14 Cool Uses for a Blender

Everyone's got one tucked away in some kitchen cabinet. If you're not getting enough mileage out of your blender, check out these 14 great uses.

Best Money Tips: 4 Ways to Stop Keeping Up With the Joneses

Today we found articles on how to stop keeping up with the Joneses, the biggest money wasters, and ways to help a friend with low self-esteem.

Warning: The Internet May Be Dangerous to Your Wealth

The Internet has created lots of new opportunities, especially for scam artists and fraudsters. Here's a look at several new strains and how you can protect yourself from them.

6 Smart Things to Do With Your Bonus

You've got a little extra money on hand, but don't burn it on stuff. Instead, spend that windfall to build a better future for you and your family.

Be Flexible to Modern Staffing Challenges

Employees today are motivated by more than money -- they want flexibility, too. Give it to them.

5 Steps to a Landing Page That Converts Like Crazy

It's not enough to help visitors to find your e-commerce site. You have to help them to click the "buy" button, too.

Best Money Tips: Save Money With Your New Dog

Today we found some great articles on saving money with your new dog, how to fix errors on your credit report, and saving money by doing it yourself.

3 Common Retirement Regrets You Can Avoid

Some life regrets are hard to avoid. When it comes to retirement, however, smart planning is your key to smooth sailing.

Yelp, Kudzu, and Google Places: Do You Have to Care?

Your customers are saying nice things about you, aren't they?

Best Money Tips: How to Sell Your iPhone 4

Today we found some great articles on how to sell your old iPhone 4, traveling efficiently, and secrets of wealthy whiz kids.

10 Airline Perks From Yesteryear That Seem Unbelievable Today

Flying wasn't always such a hassle. Reminisce about these unbelievable, long-gone perks from the good old days of air travel.

Best Money Tips: Avoid These Costly Grocery Shopping Habits

Today we found articles on costly grocery shopping habits, things you should throw out day by day, and simple ways to make $500 fast.

5 Business Lessons from Billionaire Investors

If it works for Warren Buffet, it'll work for you, too.