Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

5 Best Amazon Deals for Thursday 10/24

Today's great deals include Super Outdoor/Indoor Movie Screen, 8-Cup Stainless Steel Coffee Press, 50% off XOXO, and more!

5 Best Amazon Deals for Tuesday 10/29

Today's great deals include 50% off Halloween candy, sweaters under $50, cordless electric kettle $29.99, and more!

5 Ways to Keep Your Credit Cards Safe During the Holidays

Target, Home Depot and JC Penney are just a few of the stores that lost your credit card info. Learn how to protect yourself from future breaches today.

An ING Direct Online Retail Store? It's not a joke.

It was my birthday last week. I received an email from ING Direct and assumed it would just be birthday wishes. But, I opened the email and to my astonishment guess what it contain

Best Money Tips: Ways to Score Free Stocking Stuffers

Today we found some awesome articles on scoring free stocking stuffers, what your sleeping position says about your relationship with money, and digging your way out of debt.

9 Tips to Save Money on Holiday Shopping

Save more this holiday season with price drop alerts, discount gift cards, and gift swap websites.

Financial Literacy Month Project: Setting Your Financial Goals

The latest report on U.S. savings didn’t look very encouraging. As the average savings rate dwindles (to almost zero in some demographics), it may see a bit overreaching to give ad

8 Creative Uses for K-Cups

Brewing coffee with K-Cups is delicious and easy...and it uses LOTS of little containers. Get more life out of your K-Cups with these projects.

I Earned 20% More After Reading This Book

Within the last 30 days, I've increased my monthly income by about 20 percent and I give credit to to a book from 1944: How to Stop Worrying and Start Living by Dale Carnegie. In t

What's the Right Way to Save?

We all have our own ways of handling our finances -- and that's why it's called "personal" finance. What works for one person may not necessarily work for someone else, and this is

Save $70,000 (or More!) With 4 Simple Credit Score Boosts

The benefits of good credit — reduced interest paid on purchases — can add up to many thousands of dollars. Learn how to start improving your credit today.

Best Money Tips: Legal Sources of Non-Taxable Income

Today we found some awesome articles on legal sources of non-taxable income, the happiest jobs around, and how to score a deal without leaving a store's website.

Best Money Tips: Ways to Cut the Cost of Pet Care

Today we found some amazing articles on cutting the cost of pet care, saving on flowers, and why you need a side hustle.

Best Money Tips: Tricks To Make Your Brain Do What You Want

Today we found some stellar articles on tricks to make your brain do what you want, taking a mental health day, and federal income tax brackets.

What Booze Teaches Us About Money

Besides not wasting all of it at the bar, there's a lot booze can teach us about money.

How to Finish Something Hard

Sometimes, life is just hard. There has to be a way to approach difficulty that both gets things done and allows us space to care for ourselves and those around us.

The 5 Best Bluetooth Headphones

If you're looking for headphones that sound good and don't leave you tethered to a device, choose one of these great pairs.

Guest Post: Living off Capital

I have a guest post up on The Simple Dollar that talks about Living Off Capital.

Best Money Tips: 10 Jobs That Will Get a Raise in 2010

Welcome to Wise Bread's Best Money Tips roundup. We'll we look at 10 jobs that will get a raise in 2010, a super easy approach to decluttering your home, tax tips for children a

These 5 Apps Will Save You Money on Your Next Vacation

Want to take an awesome trip and save money while you do it? These great, free smartphone apps can help.