Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Givin' 'em the Slip - Look Rich for Very Little

Give 'em the slip! The classic women's undergarment seems to have gone by the wayside. What's up with that?

The 10 Best High Paying Jobs for Introverts

You don't need to be a social butterfly to land a high-paying gig. These lucrative jobs are perfect for ambitious shrinking violets.

What Does Checked Baggage Insurance Cover?

Good news! Your credit card's checked baggage insurance might cover you if your luggage is lost.

15 Ways to Make Money Outside Your Day Job

You've only got so many hours in the day to sell to the Man. But if you're creative with what you've got, you can still give your finances a boost.

6 Ways That Job You Hate Keeps You Poor

Staying in a job you hate, even one that pays well, can hurt your finances as much as it can destroy your happiness. Start polishing your resume!

What to Do Now to Prepare for Tax Season

Tax Day may seem far away, but after we celebrate the new year, it'll be here before you know it. Here's what you can do now to get ready.

17 Things Car Salesmen Don't Want You to Know

Car salesmen have a lot of tricks up their sleeves to help separate you from your money. Learn what to watch out for.

Ask the Readers: How Often Do You Cook at Home?

Tell us how often you cook at home and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

4 Ways to Negotiate Credit Card Debt

Here's a secret not enough of us know: Everything is negotiable — even your credit card debt.

The Best and Worst Times to Go Grocery Shopping

Maximize your shopping efficiency and minimize your food spending by mastering the art of grocery store timing.

How to Eat Well on Just $20 a Week (With Meal Plans!)

If you shop smart and keep your recipes simple and healthful, you really can eat for a whole week on just $20. Here's how.

5 Jobs Proven to Make You Live Longer

Every job has its pros and cons. Choose one of these five careers and the stats say you will extend your life — by years.

3 Times Bankruptcy Is the Right Move

A bankruptcy can take a terrible toll on your credit and your financial future. But sometimes it's the only way to escape debt and start anew.

Fixed or Adjustable? Choosing the Right Mortgage Loan

Choosing between a fixed rate or adjustable rate mortgage loan is yet another complex decision new homebuyers must navigate. Make it easier by understanding the options.

10 Easy Plumbing Repairs That Don't Require a Plumber

Tired of paying for plumbing repairs? A plumbing industry veteran shares 10 easy repairs that don't require an expensive visit from the plumber.

6 Fun Games That Teach Your Kids About Money

Teaching your children financial literacy is as easy as playing a game.

25 Easy Ways to Make Cheap Cuts of Meat Taste Expensive

Inexpensive cuts of meat don't have to taste cheap. Stretch your budget and eat well, too, with this collection of delicious ways to eat cheap meat.

5 Mental Biases That Are Keeping You Poor

Your love of lattes might not be totally to blame for your low funds. Cognitive biases could be derailing every one of your money-related decisions.

The World's 4 Biggest Credit Card Scams

Credit card scammers never rest. Learn about four of the most notorious credit card scams — and what you can do to protect you and your credit.

6 Money Moves to Make If Your Net Worth Is Negative

Net worth is an important marker of personal financial health. What do you do when it hovers in subzero territory?