Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

How to Prepare Your Money for the Coming Economic Slowdown

Experts warn an economic downturn may be on the horizon. Is your money prepared?

Ask The Readers: Do You Buy In Bulk?

Tell us whether or not you buy in bulk and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

10 of the World's Most Expensive Restaurants

These 10 restaurants have it all — great food, scenic locations, and one shockingly large bill at the end.

netSpend: The Story of the Visa Debit Card We Did Not Apply For

This is my story of shock, anger, and finally disgust at the practices of netSpend.

Waste Not, Want Not: Stop Throwing Away Your Food!

Getting rid of less, not just spending less, is one of the keys to saving money. Here are some tips to keep waste to a minimum in your kitchen.

8 Surprising Ways a Personal Website Can Improve Your Life

Even if you don't have a side hustle to promote, creating a personal website can make your life better. So why not make one?

The 10 Commandments of Reaching Financial Freedom

We all want to reach financial freedom, but there are rules we need to follow in order to get there.

8 Ways to Minimize Costs and Maximize ROI on Employee Travel

Whether you have a sales force of two that only does the occasional overnight, or you maintain an army of road warriors and have your own travel coordination department, these 8

7 Ways to Get People to Listen When You Talk

Whether you're speaking to one person or a hundred, you've got to keep your audience engaged. Try these tricks of the toastmaster at your next talk.

Using These 5 Words Will Help You Feel More Successful

There's no one surefire secret to success — but you can sound the part by adding these confident, professional words to your lexicon.

Financial Math Basics You Need to Know

Do you have the math skills to manage your finances? Learn these basic concepts and calculations to help improve your financial position.

2-Minute Read: What You Need to Know About Credit Reports

Your credit report includes important information used to determine your creditworthiness. Do you understand everything on it?

How to Boost Your Credit Score in Just 30 Days

If a single move could boost your credit score in a matter of weeks, you'd do it right? Here's how disputing incorrect data on your credit report can make a huge difference.

How Travel Rewards Cards Can Help You Score Luxury Travel Perks

Sure, travel rewards cards can help you see the world for free, but use your points right and you can do it in extreme comfort and luxury, too.

Need a Cheap Cool Dessert? Make Your Own Shaved Ice!

Last week temperatures here in California soared into the 90s and we needed to cool down. After getting some fat free frozen yogurt we were still feeling hot, so my husband took o

Ask the Readers: What's In Your Pantry?

Tell us about your pantry and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

Congratulations to SaveUp's No Spend Challenge Winners!

Join the fun free game that rewards you for NOT spending money.

7 Unnecessary Household Expenses You Can Cut Today

If your family doesn't examine these 7 common household expenses, you are wasting way too much money.

7 Frugal Living Skills You Should Be Teaching Your Children

No matter how young or old your kids may be, they will certainly be better off if they learn these frugal living skills now.

6 Reasons You Need to Include Pets in Your Will

When drawing up your will, don't forget to include your four-legged family members! They need you, even when you're gone.