Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

8 Moves to Make If You Need to Break Your Lease

No one ever thinks they'll need to break their lease — but things happen. Avoid legal — and financial — pitfalls by handling it smartly.

Clear Out That Clutter: 15 Places to Sell Your Stuff

Get rid of your old stuff, and make money too! No matter what you want to sell, find out where you can get rid of it — and get cash.

7 Everyday Things That Are Surprisingly Awesome Investments

It's not every day a thrift store find turns out to be a DaVinci, but that doesn't mean your everyday finds aren't worth something. What's hiding in your attic?

How to Pay Off These 4 Types of Debt

Before you start making significant payments towards your debt, make sure you're doing it the right way, and in the right order.

4 Ways a Home Energy Audit Will Save You Money

Those drafty windows and ancient appliances are costing you, big time. This is one audit you'll be happy to endure.

The Pros and Cons of Refinancing an Auto Loan

Before you refinance your auto loan, here's what you need to know.

Do You Need a Financial Planner?

It doesn't take much — a new home, a new business, a wedding — to complicate once simple finances. It might be time to hire a pro.

The 5 Best Hyaluronic Acid Serums

If you're looking to give hyaluronic acid serum spin, any of the five below are excellent picks that won't break your budget.

Can You Really Make Money by Starting a Blog?

Can blogging actually be a sustainable and reliable source of income? Let's investigate.

9 Ways to Tell If a Stock is Worth Buying

Wondering whether a stock is worth your investment? Here are a bunch of ways to decide!

Why We Spend More When We Pay With Credit Cards

It's true — people spend more with credit cards than cash. Learn the psychological reasons why we tend to pay more when we use plastic.

9 Investing Questions You're Too Embarrassed to Ask

Don't let pride get in the way of your financial education. When it comes to your money, it's dumb not to ask the basic questions first!

Ready For Extreme Saving? Money Saving Advice For An Extreme Economy

The question has arisen in our household whether I should be saving more. Should we resort to extreme saving measures during this recession? Should an extreme economy require grea

5 Hair Conditioners You Can Make at Home

No matter what kind of hair you have, you can keep it beautiful naturally with one of these five simple, natural homemade hair conditioners.

The 5 Best Hair Curlers

To get perfect curls that last, not any hair curler will do. You need one of these best five hair curlers.

Netbooks Guide: How to Buy the Best New Netbook

If you’re thinking about buying a netbook, here are some things to consider before deciding on which to purchase.

8 Ways to Trick Yourself Into Enjoying Cardio

If feeling the burn doesn't float your boat, these cardio workout hacks may be the motivation you need. You can do it!

6 Reasons Introverts Make the Best Employees

Face it — introverts get a bad rap. Truth is these smart, sincere, and hard-working people are the perfect addition to your workforce.

6 Ways to Pay Less Money For A College Degree

A four-year college degree can be one of the most expensive purchases in a person’s lifetime. In fact, many hard-working professionals continue to pay for their college education l

Know Your Markets and Earn Some Cash: Ebay vs. Amazon

Most online shoppers I know are very familiar with Ebay and Amazon. The problem is that the hardcore Ebayers are not very familiar with the Amazon Marketplace. [more]