Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Best Money Tips: Save $570/Year By Making These Foods at Home

Today we found articles on how to save over $500 a year just by making certain foods at home, tips to organize your day for productivity, and ways to be a better leader at any age.

Best Money Tips: Cloth Diapering 101

Welcome to Wise Bread's Best Money Tips roundup. Today, we share the basics behind cloth diapers, why coffee will be more costly, and how to "cheat" your way to a good risotto!

Best Money Tips: 10 Most Affordable European Cities to Visit

Today we found articles on the most affordable European cities to visit, how to speed clean your kitchen, and smart Costco buys for small households.

Wise Bread Blogger on the NBC News with Brian Williams

Wise Bread writer Sarah Winfrey had a blast when she went on NBC Nightly News to talk about her family's experience reducing credit card usage during the economic crunch.

The Best Times of Year to Travel Anywhere

It's a big world — no matter when you have time to travel, you're sure to find a wonderful place to visit, Winter, Spring, Summer, or Fall.

Flashback Friday: 122 No-Fuss Dinner Ideas That'll Save You Money

No ideas on what to make for dinner? These will save you time and money.

I'm Financially Free. Now What?

We spend our whole life trying to reach our retirement goal. What do we do when we actually reach it? Here are some suggestions that anyone can and should follow.

The 5 Best Face Peels

Keeping your skin clear and smooth isn't easy, but it can be. Use any of these face peels and you'll always be glowing.

6 Indirect Ways Taxes to the Rich May Hurt You

Should we extend the tax cuts for the rich? This may affect you more than you think, even if you aren't making $250,000 yet.

Top 5 Online Resources for the Design Impaired

At our newest My Life Scoop article, we gathered the top websites to help you become more skilled in your design efforts, and we preview two of them here!

6 Self Help Mantras That Actually Hurt

The Internet is awash in self-help advice and "mantras." Unfortunately, a lot of it just doesn't work. Like these.

Join Our Tweetchat on Thursday 3/23, 12pm Pacific for a Chance to Win Prizes

Topic: Using Social Media to Save Money! Join our conversation for chance to win Amazon gift cards! Use #WBChat to participate!

The Brag Book for Job Hunters: E-Book Review and Tips

Sometimes a little bragging can do you good. Learn how to move up in your career with a professional portfolio.

Earn Extra Income With These 15 Creative Side Gigs

Everyone could use a few extra bucks — so why not make that side gig fun? And if you're lucky, it might turn into something that really pays.

5 Hi-Tech To-Do Lists: Get It Done!

Whether I’m managing a busy day, the options for managing a busy to-do list and getting things done are almost endless. Here two of my preferred methods to controlling the madness.

The 5 Best Frizz Control Products

Keeping your locks frizz-free isn't easy, but it can be. Use any of these frizz control products and your hair will remain smooth and tame.

Keeping Santa Sane: Budget Holiday Decorating

This year, keep your holiday decorating and gift-wrapping low-cost and fun.

7 More Quick Tips and Tricks for Better Posture

Improve your posture with a few simple exercises, stretches, and habit changes.

Best Money Tips: Save Thousands With This Spring Maintenance Checklist

Today we found articles on money-saving home maintenance tasks, simple techniques that will make you more likable, and ways to save money at Home Depot like the pros.

Best Money Tips: Natural Ways to Sleep Better

Today, we share tips to help you get a good night's sleep, make room in your fridge for all the a holiday cooking, avoid the pitfalls of online holiday shopping, and more!