Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Book 'Em This Season

The book ‘em initiative is really what the Holiday Season in general and Christmas is about -- not just the giving of things, but of ideas, thoughts, experiences, things that make

The Real Cost of Moving to Canada (If That's Your Post-Election Plan)

The divisive '16 election has folks eyeing our neighbor to the north. Seriously. But what would it cost to "flee" to Canada?

What Are Income Stocks?

Income stocks yield promising profit with little price variation. Find out if they're right for your portfolio.

Best Money Tips: 9 Secret Ways to Persuade and Influence People

Welcome to Wise Bread's Best Money Tips roundup. Today, we offer 9 secret ways to get what you want, over 100 tips for saving money in 2010, and a killer guide to your first din

3 Reasons Why You're Still in Debt

Avoiding — and climbing out of — debt is pretty simple. But that doesn't mean it's easy. Learn why you're still in debt — and how to get out of it.

Book Review: Complicit - How Greed and Collusion Made the Credit Crisis Unstoppable

This week a government committee is investigating the cause of the financial crisis by interrogating bank titans what exactly went wrong. Complicit: How Greed and Collusion Made th

26 Quick Ways to Have Fun (No Matter Where You Are)

Take one of these quick breaks from your stressful routine and have a little fun. You'll return refreshed, invigorated, and in a better mental place to get 'er done.

This Simple Journal May be the Fix for Your Finances

With an X here and an O there, your personal finance bullet journal can put you on the fast track to budgeting mastery.

10 Weird Ways to Get Things Done That Might Work For You

Feel like your to-do list just goes on and on, no matter what you do? Try these (especially #5), and see if you aren't closer to "done."

The Frugal Colonizer's Guide to Getting to Mars

What if a trip to the red planet cost $200,000? Could you afford to go? Well, with these tips you just might!

Best Money Tips: I’ve Got One of the Recalled Toyotas. Now What?

Welcome to Wise Bread's Best Money Tips roundup. Today, we tell you what you need to know if you're driving a recalled Toyota, how to keep your budget under control when guests

9 Fun and Easy Ways to Add Years to Your Life

Improving your health and overall quality of life is a lot easier than most people think. Stick to some simple rules, and you'll feel better, longer.

Frugal Gluten-Free Living: Gluten-Free Desserts

These gluten-free desserts are easy to make, delicious and cheaper than splurging on packaged dessert products in the store. Get re-acquainted with your sweet tooth, the gluten-fre

6 Easy Ways to Be More Likable

With these skills, you WILL become more likable (no sucking up required!).

Your Stressful Job May Be… Making You Healthier?

We all know that stress does not do a body good... Or does it?

Best Money Tips: 7 Frugal Ideas to Celebrate Mother's Day

Today we found some stellar articles on frugal ideas to celebrate Mother's Day, things beginners must know about saving for retirement, and how to fill the hours after a layoff.

The 5 Best Food Steamers

Steaming veggies and other foods for dinner isn't always quick and easy, but it can be. Use any of these food steamers and your meal will be magnificent.

The Legal Way to Avoid Getting Taxed on Your Investments

Investing in stocks that pay dividends doesn't mean you have to worry about the government taking a huge bite out of your gains. There are perfectly legal ways to invest in dividen

Best Money Tips: 5 Things You're Better Off Buying on Cyber Monday

Today we found articles on things you should buy on Cyber Monday, over 20 super cozy holiday gifts, and dozens of free ways to entertain yourself at home.

5 Money Lessons I Learned From Watching Wheel of Fortune

What can missing letters and a big spinning wheel teach about personal finance? Plenty, if you know where to look.