Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Best Money Tips: Best Apps for In-Store and Online Savings

Today we found articles on the best money saving apps that you’ll use all the time, last minute DIY gifts for Mother’s Day, and inexpensive self-care tips.

9 Ways to Beat a Killer Headache

I can usually tell when it's going to rain because, as the barometric pressure builds, my face feels more and more like it's going to burst off the rest of my head. Over the ye

Great Financial Gifts for Children

Financial management is one of the most important lessons you can teach children — start early with these great (and fun!) financial gifts for kids.

How to Travel Internationally With Your Kids

Traveling with your kids in tow can get expensive and chaotic. Here's how to minimize the costs, and the frustration.

Give Household Products New Use: Clever Cleaning Tips From the Motherland

Out of all the famous shows to come out of the UK, who would have thought my favorite would star two nanny-like figures clad with rubber gloves? But as a girl who moves around from

8 Reasons to Stay Calm When the Market Tanks

Panicking over the recent market downturn? Deep breaths. Your money will be okay this time, and next time, too. Here's why.

Best Money Tips: Reasons Why Your Grocery Bill Is Too High

Today we found articles on reasons why your grocery bill is too high, car-care myths to leave in the dust, and how to have a beautiful yard on a shoestring budget.

Take One More Thing Seriously

When time and money are tight, it's natural to try to narrow down what you're trying to get done. But the opposite might be what you really need.

Best Money Tips: 21 Smart and Surprising Uses for Salt

Today we found some great articles on smart ways to use salt, how to supercharge your afternoon with a coffee nap, and financial planning tips for millennials.

Confessions of a Former Payday Loan Junkie

Can you say “Cash in a Flash?” That’s all I was concerned about when I began financial suicide using payday loans 9 years ago. I

On Problems and Opportunities

People who say, "It's not a problem; it's an opportunity" might be jerks. But they might also have a good point.

Legendary rock band Radiohead charges "whatever you want" for latest album

It's making huges waves through the music industry, which is hardly surprising. Organizations like the RIAA have been trying, and failing I think, to crack down on illegal musi

5 Ways That Charitable Giving Can Improve Your Finances

Can you afford to be generous? Or can you afford NOT to be? Learn how charitable giving can actually improve your finances.

Best Money Tips: How to Tell When You Are Passive-Aggressive

Today we found articles on how to tell if you’re being passive-aggressive, practical advice from billionaires, and the true cost of eating out.

Poem on opting out

A while back I wrote a piece on Opting out of the money economy, a topic I've long been interested in. Because of that long inte

Best Money Tips: How to Get the Most Cash at Your Yard Sale

Today we found a step-by-step guide for getting the most cash at your yard sale, the best places to score cheap Halloween candy, and ways to fight groggy mornings.

How to Stop Those Annoying Robocalls

Sick of the receiving an endless number of robocalls when you're just trying to live your life? We have good news for you.

Better cars are not the answer

Wise Bread is an optimistic place. There are some people who can't see the congruence between optimism and frugality. I'm talking about the people who point to our progre

Don't Let Your Bank Pick Your Homeowner's Insurance

If you let your home insurance lapse, your bank can force you to pay insurance that can cost 5 to 10 times as much. Learn how to avoid this predicament.

Best Money Tips: How Much You Should Spend in Retirement

Today we found articles on how much you should spend in retirement, ways to save money on Father’s Day gifts, and how to use your vacation to improve your everyday life.