Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

How to Gather Free Marketing Intel

These free and inexpensive approaches to marketing intelligence can help you better understand your target customers.

Cold, Frugal Drinks to Keep You Cool in the Heat

When summer is in full swing, cold drinks are in order. Don't waste your money on sugar-filled store-bought stuff; make your own delicious drinks for cheap.

Best Money Tips: How to Add an Extra Hour to Your Day

Today we found some great articles on how to add an extra hour to your day, how to make your own Shamrock Shake, and the best websites to learn new languages.

Three of the Toughest Decisions You'll Face in Retirement

A lot of financial decision-making goes into retirement. Once you reach your golden years, you have a few more questions to answer.

Claiming the Home Office Deduction Without Getting into Trouble

Deducting your home office isn't as scary as rumors suggest. Here's how to claim your space, audit-free.

Best Money Tips: Alternatives to Classic Wedding Registries

Today we found some great articles on alternatives to classic weddings, what the S&P debt ratings mean for the U.S., and how to stay cool on a hot summer day.

The 4 Worst Mistakes Good Parents Make

Parenting is hard! Are you making it harder than it really is?

Creating Productive Workspaces

Want to get more work done? Change the place where you're working.

Free or Cheap Wall Art

You don't have to buy expensive art to decorate your home. Check out these sources for free and affordable wall art.

Best Money Tips: Ways to Save on Groceries at Walmart

Today we found some great articles on ways to save money on groceries at Walmart, the golden rules of decluttering, and how to simplify your finances.

Save Time and Money with Business-Friendly Smartphone Apps

Smartphones are about much more than communication. With apps created just for businesses, your phone can help you track time, manage finances, and even make sales on-the-go.

5 Crucial Things You Should Know About Bonds

Boring and staid, bonds remain a fundamental piece of a well-made portfolio. Find out why you should add bonds to yours.

10 Ways to Age Well for $0

Good news! Some of the best ways to access the fountain of youth are completely free.

Poor Due Diligence Can Cost Money...and More

It's easy to be enchanted by a good lie, but the consequences can be disastrous. Here's how I learned the hard way to always do my research.

10 Outlet Shopping Hacks That Will Save You Big

Save even more on your next trip to the outlet mall with these shopping tips guaranteed to make the trek worthwhile.

3 Ways Americans Are Getting Better at Managing Their Money

Don't let the news dishearten you. Americans aren't completely terrible at money.

Handling Money Decisions with Partners

Making financial decisions can be tough, and with a partner, they become even tougher. Learn how to decide with partners what's best for your business.

Best Money Tips: Beat the Airlines at Their Own Game

Today we found some great articles on ways to beat the airlines at their own game, rules for smart credit card use, and ways to get a salary hike.

How to Budget When You're No Longer Broke

You went from barely making ends meet to being flush with cash. Don't abandon your broke budget!

How to Ensure You Use Your Groupons and Other Daily Deals

Daily deals are great...if you remember to use them. Follow these techniques to keep your vouchers from languishing.