Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

The 5 Best Electric Razors

Electric razors have gotten better and more affordable over the years. Get a clean shave (no shaving cream required) with these top picks.

Best Money Tips: Master These Money Skills Before Your 30s

Today we found articles on money management skills that you should master before your 30s, habits of successful introverts, and superfoods for healthy eating in the winter.

What Does Frugal Living Mean to You?

Depending on your point of reference, a million dollar purchase can be considered frugal. What is frugality to you?

6 Time-Tested Ways to Make a Relationship Work

There is no secret to a perfect relationship — but there are some guidelines that can help make any relationship great.

8 Common Myths About Starting a Small Business

Working for yourself is the American dream. If you dream too big though, you might buy into these entrepreneurial myths.

Best Money Tips: When Free Speech Gets Expensive

Welcome to Wise Bread's Best Money Tips roundup. Today, we look at free speech (and how it may cost

Best Money Tips: Money-Making Schemes to Score You Quick Cash

Today we found some wonderful articles on money-making schemes to score you quick cash, maintaining professional bridges, and family summer vacation ideas on a budget.

Best Money Tips: 9 Ways to Manage People Who Bother You

Welcome to Wise Bread's Best Money Tips roundup. Today, we share tips for dealing with those you bug you, some of the best free birthday treats, and the official guide to cleani

10 Ways to Add Luxury to Your Life Without Paying Luxury Prices

Who doesn't want to live large on a small budget? From fine dining to a luxe ride, here's how to get a lot more for much less.

5 Ways to Preserve Zucchini

Zucchini is a delicious vegetable to grow...and one plant can yield so many squash! Make the most of your crop with these tasty ways to preserve zucchini.

Best Money Tips: Unusual Ways to Make Extra Money

Today we found some great articles on unusual ways to make money, maximizing a small home or apartment, and conversations when caring for elderly parents.

Low Interest Rates Do Not Make Homes Affordable

If a good price seems to good to be probably is. Learn how low interest rates drive home prices higher.

Best Money Tips: The Lifehacks Edition

Today we found some of the best articles from around the web on lifehacks and productivity!

Flashback Friday: 40 Best Budget-Friendly Travel Tips Ever

We would all love to travel more, but it can get so expensive! Good thing we've found all the ways to do it on the cheap.

How to Get What You Want on Customer Service Calls

Learn 8 effective strategies for getting what you want on customer service calls. Communicate better, communicate smarter and get your problem solved!

Take Our Reader Survey for a Chance to Win One of Five Amazon Gift Cards!

We’re looking for your feedback to help make our site better — and you could win a $200 Amazon gift card!

8 Ways to Save on Dinner — No Meal Planning Required

Tired of spending hours mapping out your meals? Good news: You can make healthy, affordable meals on the fly, too.

Travel and Money: Using Prepaid Travel Cards

Prepaid Travel Cards can be a useful — and secure — alternative to debit cards and credit cards, as well as a way to hedge against currency risk.

6 Things That Seem Like Splurges But Are Actually Savvy Buys

Sometimes spending more for "wasteful" products or services turns out to be the best value — in dollars and sense.

6 Reasons Why Cash Is Still King

Learn the top reasons why cash is still king — even in the age of plastic.