Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Almost 2000 uses for a can of WD-40

My dad always sang the praises of WD-40. "It's not just for a squeaky hinge or a rusty bolt" he'd say. Alas, my memory is not all that sharp and I couldn't quite remember how

Your Kitchen: Splurge on This, Save on That

No need to splurge on every kitchen tool worthy of a pro chef. Even seasoned cooks can save by knowing where to economize.

Why We Spend More When We Pay With Credit Cards

It's true — people spend more with credit cards than cash. Learn the psychological reasons why we tend to pay more when we use plastic.

6 Secrets to Mastering the Debt Snowball

The debt snowball method really, truly works. Now, you just need to master it!

5 Signs You're Ready to Sell Your House

The housing market is red-hot. But are you truly ready to sell?

7 Apps That Actually Pay You to Shop

Need an easy way to get cash back for your shopping habit? Yep, there's an app for that.

Best Money Tips: Fun and Frugal Ideas for Fall

Today we found some awesome articles on frugal ideas for fall, mistakes people make when buying a home, and the complete guide to getting out of debt.

Why I Still Write Paper Checks

I know people who never write checks, but I'm not one of them. Here's why.

5 Money Strategies for the Sandwich Generation

Your kids depend on you. Your aging parents depend on you. For the sandwich generation, smart money management is a must.

7 Added Costs That Come With a Bigger House

Bigger isn't always better, but when it comes to houses, it's usually more expensive.

3 Ways Millennials Can Avoid Financial Fraud

Elders aren't the only targets of financial fraud. Even young folks need to know how to protect themselves.

Dissecting "Gift Guilt" - When Does Receiving a Gift Make You Feel Bad?

Ever since I was a child, I have been taught that when you receive a gift you should be happy about it and then give something back in return. To this day I still believe that is g

11 Retailers Where You Can Negotiate a Lower Price

Negotiating the best price is not only for the car dealership and the yard sale. Try haggling at these retailers big and small and pay less for lots more.

What Makes a Home's Location "Good"

When searching for the perfect new home, make sure the location is perfect, too.

The 8 Things That Are Always Cheaper at Target

Target is hitting the bullseye for ultra-low pricing on these eight products. Shop smart and save with these choices.

17 Part-Time Jobs to Do While Your Kids Are at School

While the kids are away, SAHMs and SAHDs can earn some extra pay!

Party Like It's 19.99: The Psychology of Pricing

Does the store you're shopping at want to be seen as a bargain? A purveyor of luxury goods? A renegade? The answer is in the last two digits of the price.

How a Simple "Do Not Buy" List Keeps Money in Your Pocket

Creating a "do not buy" list will totally change your shopping game — and help you save tons of cash.

Healthy Eating--It'll Cost You!

It's not easy eating green! With fresh foods at sky-high prices, what's a financially challenged yet socially conscious eater to do?

Cheat Sheet: Retail Markup on Common Items

Stores make money by price markups. Learn the rationale behind retail pricing and what the product you're buying actually costs.