Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Best Money Tips: Sleeping Tips You've Never Heard

Today we found some awesome articles on sleeping tips you've never heard, reasons not to eat fast food, and things to remember when everything goes wrong.

How to Turn Average Talent into Fame and Fortune

Some people have great talent. Some don’t. And then, there are those people who are OK at something and yet, through smart thinking and ingenuity, create a niche for themselves tha

10 Productivity Tips From Visionaries

How do the people who change the world get things done? Find out here, and learn how you can use their productivity tricks.

Flashback Friday: 50 Money Moves You Need to Make When Big Changes Happen

Big life changes mean big adjustments in our spare change. Learn how to make the right decisions at some of life's most monumental milestones.

Best Money Tips: Tax Audit Flags

Today we found some fantastic articles on tax audit flags, tips for lowering your heating bill, and tips for easing back into work after vacation.

Best Money Tips: Drop These Bad Workout Habits NOW

Today we found articles on bad workout habits you need to drop, tips for shopping at Amazon, and how to find quality health care without breaking the bank.

These Are the 8 Most Common Homebuying Mistakes Foreclosure Experts See

A HUD-approved foreclosure prevention counselor shares what she's learned helping homeowners through the housing crisis — and how you can avoid the same fate.

Ask the Readers: What are Your Best Entertainment Tips? (A Chance to Win Tickets to a Broadway Show!)

Broadway fans have seen the current economy cutting into their entertainment budget, often leaving them without room for tickets to some of the most magnificent shows in the U.S.!

Book Review - In CHEAP We Trust: The Story of a Misunderstood American Virtue by Lauren Weber

In CHEAP We Trust: The Story of a Misunderstood American Virtue is a book that explores the morality and practicality of being frugal from the beginnings of America to 2009. The a

The Deals to Look for at Pawn Shops, Thrift Shops, and Other Weird Stores

Often the best deals aren't at Walmart or Target. They can be found at pawn shops, thrift shops, and other alternative shops.

Fridge or Counter: Where to Store Fruit for Best Flavor?

From apples to avocados, ensure that the fruit you're eating is the freshest and most delicious it can be with these storage tips.

Best Money Tips: How to Get a Free iPhone 7

Today we found articles on how to get a free iPhone 7, things to avoid when asking for a raise, and ways to control your happiness.

Resources for Freelancers

Changes in the economy have pushed more and more people into part-time, temporary, and freelance work, as more and more companies cut back on traditional, long-term, full-time empl

Best Money Tips: Best Things to Buy in the Spring

Today we found some awesome articles on the best things to buy in the spring, amazing meals for $5 or less, and overcoming mistakes.

Guest Post: Living off Capital

I have a guest post up on The Simple Dollar that talks about Living Off Capital.

Dryer Sheets, Shampoo, and 15 Other Everyday Things You Can Make at Home

Why buy when you can make at home so many of the home and personal care products you use? Here are 17 easy recipes to get you started.

The Penalty-Free Way to Withdraw Retirement Money Early

For most retirement plans the penalty for early withdrawal can be hefty. Here's a surprising, if complex, alternative.

Best Money Tips: How to Start Investing

Today we found some stellar articles on how to start investing, time management for part-time entrepreneurs, and home staging on a budget.

Best Money Tips: Get a Second Job and Quit Whining About Debt?

Welcome to Wise Bread's Best Money Tips roundup. Today, we share the best way to get out of debt, 15 ways to slash retirement spending, and how to make wallpaper decals!

10 Ways to Give Back on #GivingTuesday Without Breaking the Bank

#GivingTuesday is November 29th! Here's how to give back plenty — without compromising your budget.