Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Opening the Book on Open Book Management

Share your company's financial information with your employees and you'll all share in the benefits of increased productivity.

Join Our Tweetchat on Thursday 10/19, 12pm Pacific for a Chance to Win Prizes

Topic: Earning Extra Income! Join our conversation for chance to win Amazon gift cards! Use #WBChat to participate!

Best Money Tips: 10 Steps to Early Retirement

Today we found articles on the steps to early retirement, bad spending habits that are killing your budget, and the ultimate guide to driving with Uber.

Why Inflation?

We know how inflation happens—excess growth in the money supply. But why does inflation happen?

Best Money Tips: How to Afford Long-Term Travel

Today we found articles on how to afford long-term travel, extreme ways to save money, and quick switches for a greener home.

Is Your Summer Internship Program Legal?

Unfortunately, summer interns aren't short-term, low-cost administrative assistants.

Creating Financial Stability: Highlights from Our Chat With EARN and SaverLife

Don't miss the highlights from our chat with EARN and SaverLife on creating financial stability!

Amazon Will Give You 5% Off for Price Checking Saturday: But Is It Fair?

Amazon is promoting their price-checking app by offering shoppers $5 off items. It's a great deal for customers, but is it a good move from Amazon?

The Cheap Girl’s Guide to Lowering Cholesterol Without Suffering

You can cheaply and easily lower your cholesterol — and even lose weight and save money in the process.

6 Things You Need to Do if You're Retiring in 2018

This is it; 2018 is the year you retire. Before you leave the working world, there are a fey key moves to make first.

Why You Should Reconsider Your Business Forecasting Strategy

All businesses benefit from the sound strategic planning a budget can provide. But small and fast growing businesses may need a more dynamic tool.

Save Money With a Classic Wet Shave

Old-school men's shaving doesn't just look cool — it's also frugal, eco-friendly, and a great way to pamper yourself.

5 Reasons People Resist Change

Before you can help employees and colleagues overcome resistance to change, be sure you understand why they prefer the status quo.

Best Money Tips: Ways to Save $1 a Day

Today we found some great articles on ways to save $1 a day, family-friendly Super Bowl parties, and cheap things that make life easier.

Best Money Tips: Cheap Valentine's Day Ideas

Today we found some awesome articles on cheap Valentine's Day ideas, mistakes people in debt make, and cheap ways to relieve stress.

Best Money Tips: 27 Good Financial Habits for Ultimate Success

Today we found some great articles on good financial habits for ultimate success, what it’s really like to quit your job to travel, and cheap and easy meals for your summer table.

7 Ways to Invest in Biotech Without Getting Burned

Thinking about trying your hand at biotech? Investing the pharmaceutical sector is risky, but with a little insight, you can see hefty returns.

7 Ways to Save on a European Getaway With Kids

Heading to Europe with kids can be as expensive or inexpensive as you want it to be. Learn how you can save a bundle when traveling across the pond.

A BBC Production America Hasn't Ripped Off Yet

The BBC has brought us so many cult-classic TV shows. Now they're bringing us free language learning tools!

How to Stay Focused at Work

If you're stressed out, overworked, and have a brain that changes focus faster than a hummingbird beats its wings, follow these suggestions to get more done.