Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

5 Ways to Save Money in the New Year

Make 2011 your best financial year yet with these tips to jump-start your savings.

Best Money Tips: How to Start Earning Passive Income — Today!

Today we found articles on passive income ideas you can start today, tips for getting through the airport faster, and why you should buy your next car online.

9 Items City-Dwelling Dudes Should Keep in Their Bags

Guys don't need much, but these essential items should be in every man's everyday bag.

10 Homemade Child Products That Are Cheaper and Better Than Store Bought

Kid stuff is expensive! You'll save a lot and wind up with better kid stuff if you make these common products at home, instead of buy.

4 Low-Cost Foods for Everyday Italian Cooking

Stocking these staples will help you create fast, frugal, and healthy Italian meals.

20 Fun Ways to Use Pumpkin

Pumpkin is everywhere this time of year. Go beyond the jack o' lantern and the pie and put pumpkin to even more delicious, decorative, and fun uses.

15 Productive Ways to Reduce Stress

If lack of productivity is causing you stress, kill two birds with one stone with these stress relievers that help you get more done.

7 Important Lessons Frugal Parents Teach Their Children

Being frugal can make us feel like we're depriving our kids sometimes. But frugal parenting can provide so much more than any fancy toy ever could.

Best Money Tips: Tax Tips for Your 2010 Return

Today we found some awesome articles on tax tips for your 2010 return, personal finance tips to teach your kids, and ways to stay positive during your job hunt.

Don't Let These 6 Common Job Traps Derail Your Career

The shine has worn off that once-loved job, but you can't just leave … right? Wrong.

15 Fantastic Chalkboard Paint Projects

From party favors to fridge and pantry organizers, these chalkboard paint projects will spiff up your space, and help you remember what's in it!

10 Money Moves You Need to Make Before the End of the Year

Holiday season is also year end financial season. Take a break from holiday craziness and spend some you time prepping your money for 2015.

7 Free Perks You Should Ask for on Your Next Flight

There are plenty of cool things you can get to make your flight more comfy. All you need to do is ask.

How to Survive a Tax Audit

If you've been notified of an audit, don't panic. Follow these steps to help get through it with minimal stress.

Shareholder’s Agreement: What It Is and Why You Need to Review Your Own

A Shareholder’s Agreement is designed to help you and your business navigate life’s tricky twists and turns. Here are 10 common clauses to look for in your Shareholder's Agreeme

How to Buy an Upright Vacuum Cleaner

A vacuum cleaner doesn't have to be a hulking noise machine that eats up more money than it does dirt.

6 Habits That Are Quietly Eating Your Brain

Not feeling mentally sharp lately? It could be all the soda pop you drink. Learn about that and other habits that are harming your gray matter.

How to Use Vendor-Managed Inventory Programs

A well-run vendor-managed inventory (VMI) program could allow your business to speed up its cash flow by more closely matching your cash outlay for inventory with your cash infl

6 Perks You Should Be Demanding From Your Employer

If the checker at your local Wegman's is getting tuition paid by the company, shouldn't you be, too?

11 Sources of Free or Low-Cost Training

If your company doesn’t have a large budget for professional development, or if you want to explore less expensive options, here are some free or low-cost sources of training.